Here's how to make the photos larger here. Images can be full sized if you remove the pixel limitation, for example, (-600x360)— the numbers and the dash preceding, leaving no spaces, and ending in .jpg
An example, of a thumbnail named "hms-penzance-1940...." followed by "-150x100.jpg" is the name of the photo in my album, and it's the "-150x100" that limits the size.
If I remove the numbers, it goes to whatever size at which it was uploaded, subject to web sized image limitations.
An example, of a thumbnail named "hms-penzance-1940...." followed by "-150x100.jpg" is the name of the photo in my album, and it's the "-150x100" that limits the size.

If I remove the numbers, it goes to whatever size at which it was uploaded, subject to web sized image limitations.