Dunhill should put this on their tins of DF, " great for beginners and connoisseurs alike". DF is a perfect VA flake for any beginner to cut his teeth on, yet has enough flavor and complexity for flake veterans to enjoy. It never bites, smokes great without additional drying, is easily cube cut and has some very nice sweet flavors.
Another great flake for beginners is Astleys No.109 Virginia Flake, no bite, mild and tasty.
In terms of University flake being comparable to DF, the only thing I find similar is that they are both flakes. I am currently smoking a bowl of UF as I type so I am big fan, but I think UF is a very unique flake that has it's own attributes that are much different than DF. It is much stronger, has the burley in it, has the topping and I consider it an aperitif blend for after dinner where I smoke DF as my first smoke of the day.