[quoteEvidently the owner didn't think too much of his friends[/quote]
Phil, I think a lot of guys used to just treat their pipes like pipes. Although it makes me cringe a bit, it is a breath of fresh air to see pipes being considered implements, and not women's shoes.
I used to fish with a (now deceased) guy who had the ugliest bunch of Dunhills I have ever seen. When I asked why he never cleaned them up, he looked at me like I was dumb, and said "they're just pipes, when they get too crapped up I just start on a new one!" I think that was close to the rule versus the exception.
Phil, I think a lot of guys used to just treat their pipes like pipes. Although it makes me cringe a bit, it is a breath of fresh air to see pipes being considered implements, and not women's shoes.
I used to fish with a (now deceased) guy who had the ugliest bunch of Dunhills I have ever seen. When I asked why he never cleaned them up, he looked at me like I was dumb, and said "they're just pipes, when they get too crapped up I just start on a new one!" I think that was close to the rule versus the exception.