Two days ago was the first time in my life I smoked a pipe. A friend of mine introduced me to cigars about 2 years ago but it never "took". I enjoying spending time with he and the fellas at the local smoking place (Lit in Snoqualmie WA). I saw a guy there smoking a pipe so i thought i'd give it a try. I have smoked 3 bows so far and am really really enjoying it. So heres my dumb question. After my latest smoke 5 min ago, i was using the little scoop tool the guy sold me to get the last little bit of tobacco out. A to my surprise, there was a dime in there! I got to thinking that maybe they all have dimes but I'm too new to know any better. Is this normal? Thanks -
Edit: Moved to Pipe Smoking Basics & Beginner Questions, L.
Edit: Moved to Pipe Smoking Basics & Beginner Questions, L.