I'm finally getting around to playing Battlefield Bad Company 2. I enjoyed the first game quite a bit. I think I'll go pour myself a pint and fire it up for an hour or so before hitting the sack!
As a young lad, that game was my life for a period of time. Boy, does that bring back some memories. Anyone here remember Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament? Both games came out right around the same time (1999 or so), and I played both of them to death.Was anyone here a Tribes fan?
Same. After 5 years I finally quit playing for good about 4 months ago. That was a hard habit (addiction?) to break. I'm currently in school and over time WoW after homework turned into WoW before and after homework, which then turned in to WoW instead of homework!I put a goodly amount of hours in to WoW but I'm happy I quit. I quit because I wanted to spend time with more constructive hobbies that WoW was taking all my time away from. Ever since then I've vowed to not touch an MMO ever again.