Well I smoked that big ass bowl last night and I have to say it was very interesting. Left it sit in the pipe a few hours because I fell asleep and when I went to get it, it was just about right. Not like anything else I've ever smoked. Enjoyable and educational. Interestingly enough, there was no taste of raspberry, cherry, raisin, strawberry or any of the other aforementioned flavors! It was just good. Very nice room note. Slow burning, flavorful, but with a noticeable tobacco flavor as well. Rich, dark, earthy, with a complex and ever-changing palette. I have some left over so tonight I think I'll add in some of my english mix! Just using up a few jars of my leftover frankenblends and having a lot of fun doing it!
The funny thing was that while smoking it, I realized that if I took the stuff and put it in a fancy tin with a catchy name like maybe 'Remembrance' and sold it for a stiff price, most people on this forum would probably like it! At least those with an open mind and palette. Of course, they would never believe me if I told them what went into making it! Of course few people really know what went into making what they are smoking anyway, so always best to judge a blend by what you actually taste of it rather than to judge it without empirical experience at all.