50 plugs of Warrior would cost me roughly $1,000,
and it's made in Denmark for chrissake.
Oh what I'd give for the pukka stuff!
British American Tobacco shut down and closed the Murray's factory in 2005, then shifted their brands to Orlik for production in Denmark, and in the process BAT also pruned their brand catalog by deciding to discontinue Potomac Plug, Garryowen Plug, and Golden Bar Plug.Made in Denmark???
I'm a nonmatho as well as me 'n numbers gotta war 'gainst ea. other LOL50 X 1/8 lb. plugs = 6.25 lb. of tobacco for > $120 ???????
Somebody with math skillz help me here.
That was a close rough estimate at the MrSnuff / Pipe Divan rates,Today,
50 plugs of Warrior would cost me roughly $1,000,
and it's made in Denmark for chrissake.
Oh what I'd give for the pukka stuff!
Ditto.Always love seeing old tobacco stuff like that. I'd frame that to hang in The Smoking Library.
Many thanks for that, it makes total sense and the way you delineated it put it all graspable in my mind --- my feeble mind which has severe shortcomings with regards to fractional math and the pre-decimal LSD.OK everyone. The bill is for Twenty Four Pounds, Fifteen Shillings & Ten Pence. So you first have to understand pre-decimal British money. Prior to 1971 there were 240 Penny's to a Pound Sterling, Twenty Shillings to a Pound and Twelve Penny's to a Shilling so a Six Pence was Six Penny's. Are you with me so far? Good. So if we divide the cost as shown each pound weight would have cost Ten Shillings and Three Farthings as their were Four Farthings to a Penny. Now there are Sixteen Oz. to One Imperial Pound so armed with our pre-decimal knowledge each plug was Three Shillings and Six Pence or 3/6- per one oz plug. Converted into modern day currency that would equal about $0.31 per plug. Go grab your time machines boys!
25 pounds was the going rate back then, which was about double that of "normal" pipes.I would be surprised if a Dunhill back then cost anything near that much.
That's a very good question,Does X/Y mean pounds/shillings ? Or shillings/pence ? Big difference.