@Doctor Chopper I noticed your angry emoji... the at the end of my statement means that I am intentionally saying something cheeky. And, I agree somewhat with your post, but some blends (to me) do taste good all the way down... but not all.
But for the last few years, I have noticed that people tend to respond to people struggling or just curious about why they can't smoke to the bottom, or why they have top relight so much, and the consensus is usually "don't worry about it," "everyone has the same issues," and, "settle for sub par." This bothers me. I mean none of this is important, true. No one gets a prize for smoking a whole pipe on one light. But, why stop someone from trying?
It's bullshit. It's like is someone asks why their bike tips over when they stop peddling, and everyone responds, "that's normal, don't worry about it." "Everyone tips over when they stop peddling."
True, relighting the last bit of dottle is heading towards burning up your pipe. DONT DO THAT. But, if you want to know how to win a slow smoking contest or just for your own knowledge, if you want to smoke to the bottom, then never take your pipe out of your mouth. It's not rocket surgery. However, if you can't breath smoke and keep a pipe clenched, then yes... don't worry about it.
AND, sometimes even with a pipe in constant clench, you may not make it down to the bottom. In those cases, "you suck." Ha ha... JK. But, it can happen. Not to me, but maybe someone else.
But for the last few years, I have noticed that people tend to respond to people struggling or just curious about why they can't smoke to the bottom, or why they have top relight so much, and the consensus is usually "don't worry about it," "everyone has the same issues," and, "settle for sub par." This bothers me. I mean none of this is important, true. No one gets a prize for smoking a whole pipe on one light. But, why stop someone from trying?
It's bullshit. It's like is someone asks why their bike tips over when they stop peddling, and everyone responds, "that's normal, don't worry about it." "Everyone tips over when they stop peddling."
True, relighting the last bit of dottle is heading towards burning up your pipe. DONT DO THAT. But, if you want to know how to win a slow smoking contest or just for your own knowledge, if you want to smoke to the bottom, then never take your pipe out of your mouth. It's not rocket surgery. However, if you can't breath smoke and keep a pipe clenched, then yes... don't worry about it.
AND, sometimes even with a pipe in constant clench, you may not make it down to the bottom. In those cases, "you suck." Ha ha... JK. But, it can happen. Not to me, but maybe someone else.