Hi everyone.
So it looks like after I finish a bowl I'm getting far too much dottle in the bottom of the bowl. It's about the same amount as my 1st later when I pack.
Anyone got any suggestions on how to get the most out my bowl?
I was having that issue as a new smoker and it really bugged me to throw away unburnt or even just partially charred tobacco. I found the advice to just accept it and throw it away to be unsatisfying, especially when it's from experienced smokers who also often talk about smoking down to a fine white ash.
So I'll give you my 2c as a new smoker.
Of course technique accounts for alot. Packing and tamping properly is very important, but after a while it becomes *almost* intuitive. Similar story with draw and cadence. And again, similar story with exact mechanics of the specific pipe and tobacco your using, as well as the cut and the moisture level. Alot of times people can't really help you much with these things because there are so many variables, and it's a fine balance that you have to get the feel for.
Second thing I would mention is that it's absolutely no problem to relight. Since you often want to keep the pipe at just barely lit, having it go out is absolutely no big deal. It doesn't mean it's done, it's ok to put a little bit more flame to it and wake it back up. It's normal and even expected, unlike maybe a cigar.
Next thing I want to mention is that I notice some cheaper pipes that I own, the draft hole is not very square with the bottom of the bowl and that makes it almost impossible to burn the last bits. A mm or two of offset seems to make a huge difference. I've also noticed that even premium pipes sometimes don't have the hole squared perfectly. As I collect more and more pipes I'm finding that each one has it's own little nuances and character and so far, no two smoke the same.
Finally, I'm going to suggest something that will make the experienced smokers here cringe in horror as blasphemy: don't rule out using a screen... at least for now. Any time I've used a screen I smoke down to ash. Some consider screens to be "training wheels" but, hey, if it works, it works.
But remember I'm a new smoker, so take it with a huge grain of salt. I'm just sharing my own experience because it sounds similar to yours.