Does The World Really Need Another Twitter?

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Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
Though this has been on the cards for quite some while now, it was only reported in detail yesterday (over here at least).

Why does Mr. Zuckerberg think his version of Twitter will somehow overshadow the original? Granted, the original doesn't really have a lot going for it, particularly after Mr. Musk took over. By all accounts it is haemorrhaging money and losing subscribers by the thousand.

According to the below report, the new Threads will pretty much be a mirror of Twitter, the only difference being the name. Apparently it will be a free service but of course we all know nothing is for free. Users will be paying with their personal data which begs the question, do people no longer value their privacy?

With so many lesser known methods of mass messaging, do we really need another? I personally think not.




Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I personally think not.
I agree but, Mr. Zuckerberg obviously feels he needs another income source. There is a lot of moneys out there waiting to be spent, ads to be sold and so forth. He did get rich by providing products people want even if they don't particularly need it. A ton of people need additional outlets for ... Well, damned if I know! Perhaps more audience for the mindless vitriol? I might be on to something there. There are thousands, millions?, of people without lives with the need to have some sort of perceived relevance.


Jul 22, 2018
I think one has to divide between real needs and created needs.
Every advertised product or phenomena that happens to sell hardly qualifies as a need in the true meaning of the word.

Does humanity need chewing gums or another over-animated Marvel movie?
I'd rather think of water supply, hospitals and such when I see the word need.
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Wet Dottle

Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 20, 2023
Littleton, CO
For an enterprise like Meta, developing a Twitter-type product is almost effortless. It's a sub product of their main projects. They don't have anything to loose, really: if it succeeds it means more money; if it doesn't they're not any less for it.
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Jan 31, 2011
Sure, after the smashing success of "metaverse" why not start another massive boondoggle?



Mar 7, 2013
As someone doesn't use any kind of social media, I don't even think we need Twitter... So no I don't think we another one.


Social media apps were knowingly and deliberately designed from the start to engage, create, and solidify exactly the same limbic system feedback loop that powers addictions of every kind. Alcohol, heroin, you name it.

Why? For profit, of cour$e.

The fact that nothing good---absolutely NOTHING good---EVER comes from addiction, wasn't their problem, you see. (And the first bag is always free...)


Large scale manifestations of having the majority of the developed world's under-40 age group caught in that loop for fifteen years are starting to appear.

The most serious being a VAST shortage of technically-trained workers capable of maintaining the modern world's infrastructure.

A situation which not only has no rewind button, but cannot be directly addressed even after society acknowledges it... because today's kids weren't given the educational foundation to understand the science and engineering implicit in the necessary tasks.

And it gets better. The first generation of kids whose brains developed ENTIRELY in social media are proving to be significantly abnormal in a number of ways. And none of them good ways.


Feb 21, 2013
I don't want to be spoon fed other peoples' thoughts. I don't want other people spooned other peoples' thoughts. We need more thought and less spoon-feeding.

If another version of Twitter dilutes the audience and the need and makes the whole concept falter and fade, that's good. If not, it's bad.

People need to take solitary walks without phones or devices. They need to be startled by the booming sounds of their own thoughts. However that works. Self, meet yourself ... I know it's been a long time, but you two have a lot in common. Why don't you get to know each other?


Jul 22, 2018
People need to take solitary walks without phones or devices. They need to be startled by the booming sounds of their own thoughts. However that works. Self, meet yourself ... I know it's been a long time, but you two have a lot in common. Why don't you get to know each other?
I see people with headphones or handsfree devices, some of them looking down to the small screen totally oblivious of birdsong, trees, bicycles, car horns, crosswalks and other things you encounter when outside.
I've seen parents on bikes looking down at the screen when bicycling amidst traffic - with their infant child on the carrier.

One could say this behavior is self-centered or reckless, but who am I to judge?
They might have some important stuff to keep an eye on, like the next cute cat meme or their favorite celebrities morning farts.