So much for cold weather smoking!Several studies of why airplane food tastes so bad indicate that both cold weather and high altitude negatively affect taste buds:
This theory has been tested further by a German research organisation, the Fraunhofer Institute. The researchers tested at sea level and in a pressurised cabin to simulate air travel. Their findings have included the discovery that cold air affects taste buds, effectively numbing their ability to work properly. The ability to taste salt and sweet flavours drops by 30% at high altitude whilst a decrease in humidity dries out the nasal passages and dulls olfactory sensors that are essential for tasting food.
That’s what I’m getting at. As pointed out by the gentleman above who posted about that airline food study, I think there may be something to it. I tried some Escudo in 34F, and it didn’t seem as strong as it did the first time I had it.Anecdotally , I was trying plum pudding in the cold last night and it tasted like nothing. But that’s me
they mean well but rarely know what they're talking about, but where else are you going to get that personal attention. It kills me because it's better to not know and be honest then pretend expertise.The guy at the pipe shop...?
So...Who told you that?
As you say, I think the person I had the conversation with meant well. He was up front that he wasn’t really a pipe smoker. There’s another B&M near me, that’s better stocked with pipes and tins, but their staff are more geared towards cigar smokers. Pipers are hard to come by in the flesh, at least in my neck of the woods. Thank god for the Internet...I assume there’s a new smokers guide to aromatics on this forum. I’ll hunt it down.they mean well but rarely know what they're talking about, but where else are you going to get that personal attention. It kills me because it's better to not know and be honest then pretend expertise.
I wouldn't recommend aros to the new guys, but......... pack lightly, sip slowly, and retrohale.I assume there’s a new smokers guide to aromatics on this forum. I’ll hunt it down.