I'd say that it eventually did. My dad had smoked a pipe off and on before he and my mom divorced. He and I were estranged for most of my teen years. I started smoking a pipe before I left for college and thought a lot about how pipes might eventually give us some common ground. As we gradually reconnected with each other in my 20s, I waited for the right moment to bring my pipe hobby into the open. The day of my sister's wedding, my brother and I were getting ready at my dad's house. I broke out my pipe and shared a bowl with my brother. My dad was initially surprised to see me smoking a pipe, then he went looking for one of his old pipes in his home office. He hadn't smoked it in years but was happy to fill it with some of my tobacco and fire it up. As the three of us shared a relaxing bowl on the porch, our dad told us about how he had learned to smoke a pipe from our grandpa before he went to college. A pretty special bonding moment.