Welcome aboard Cutter.
I've never smoked any of the frog morton series, but I'm definitely gonna try them some time. But according to tobaccorewiew.com all of them are ribbon cut while you say flake, so I'm a little confused here. However, if you are talking about flakes, whole or broken, as the term supposed to mean in the community, the way you "process" is probably the cube cut method. It's one of many methods to pack a flake, and one of the easiest way to light a flake and to keep it lit, as I see it. So it's not just you, a lot of people do it and enjoy doing it as part of their ritual about pipe smoking.
As rubbing tobacco, I do it occasionally as a way to test its humidity. But as I go and smoke that tin for a while, I stop doing it because I know that I'm gonna get. Some people claim that rubbing helps tobacco dry and some say rubbing has nothing to do with that at all. The only way you are going to find out is try it yourself. But what I find interesting is that when I watch the pipe smoking contest the candidates rub their tobacco like crazy. I've never been in a pipe show/club/contest EVER (I live in the dessert of pipe smoking community) so that's just my observation. Maybe someone who's actually been in a pipe club can explain why they do it.
The most important thing is, it's you who smokes the pipe and you should do whatever you see fit. Happy puffing.