I have some old bone dry Latakia tins that I am planning on rehydrating - I don't think I will have a problem and it was done successfully in the past, but upon opening the tins I noticed that some of these (Syrian ones specifically by brebbia) waft some really awful 'roasted woody mulch/manure' like odor - even more so than when it was fresh - I had a pair of sunglasses sitting in near vicinity to the tins for literally 20 minutes - they reek! A family member literally said "yuck, what's that smell?"
I thought I like Latakia but what gives - why is this so damn potent?
all the moist Latakia blends I have by say Watch City aren't nasal nuisance
It's actually giving me second thoughts on even reinvigorating to smoke it? - what's your take?
I thought I like Latakia but what gives - why is this so damn potent?
all the moist Latakia blends I have by say Watch City aren't nasal nuisance
It's actually giving me second thoughts on even reinvigorating to smoke it? - what's your take?