Does Anyone Enjoy Watering Plants?

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Egg Shen

Nov 26, 2021
We can never be 100% sure of the direct causation when observing discoloration, interruptions in growth, necrosis, etc. When a change is made and improvement is noted we can make some educated assumptions.

Before switching to the carbon filtered water I noted multiple issues that pointed to lacks of specific nutrients, even though I was supplementing them. That's when I started to think the issue was uptake of nutrients, not just the presence or absence of them.

Within a couple weeks of switching to the carbon filtered water I saw improvement and since then I've never had large scale issues again.

Indoors I've grown multiple cultivars of chili pepper, scallions, shallots, small tomatoes, radish, and strawberries.
Ornamental flowers here and there over the years..
Also cannabis.

All of the above have shown some level of improvement with the water change, none more than others I think. Always found the strawberries to be extra finicky though.
That’s interesting and makes sense on how absorption could be reduced. I may have to invest in a few rain barrels since I don’t have an aquarium or a big enough water purifier. Thanks!
Jan 27, 2020
You're definitely right. Kind of like packing a pipe- after long enough you don't even have to think about it, you just do it.

Really a lot of care is species specific.
One area that has lead to overall improvement is care for the soil pre-planting. Being aware of what your plants will need and fortifying your substrate beforehand. I'm a big believer in a thorough tilling for aeration and mixing in a high quality top soil. I've always been a fan of Foxfarm soils and nutrients because they've been super consistent over the years and their nutes are organic (so there's little chance for over feeding). Also makes foliar feeding easier.

For indoor growing of smaller flowering and fruiting plants I swear by CalMag every third of fourth watering, just a light dose. Seems to make a difference.

Another trick I started using about 13 years ago -
I was always big in to tropical fish and keeping aquariums.
Ended up with a 50gal tank that wasn't being used so I filled it and ran my carbon filter. That's my water I use for indoor plants. Sensitive specifies can be susceptible to a buildup over time from heavy metals and the like from tap water, so I found that's a great way to have a steady source of filtered water.

Thanks for taking the trouble of writing all of that. Much appreciated. Do you have an opinion or experience with that compost from Maine that incorporates crab/lobster shells? I bought a few bags this summer and it feels so luxurious.
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Your Mom's Favorite Pipe Smoker
Aug 27, 2016
Thanks for taking the trouble of writing all of that. Much appreciated. Do you have an opinion or experience with that compost from Maine that incorporates crab/lobster shells? I bought a few bags this summer and it feels so luxurious.
I've never used it but I know it's very rich! If I had a good source I'd probably give it a shot.