Well I guess the forward thinking thing to do would be to change The Doctor from male to female. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/449760/doctor-who-jodie-whittaker-takes-over-role
My argument would be to have Romana come back with her own show, and let DW ride into the sunset.
I had lost interest in the show after The Tenth Doctor, the writing was lackluster and began to change where the classic show left off. Davies knew his Whovian lore. Moffat didn't know his ass from a whole in the ground. But that Sherlock show was bad ass. Guess a Jane Bond will be the next social foray. Some may like it, some may not, it will all stand on its own merit.
My argument would be to have Romana come back with her own show, and let DW ride into the sunset.
I had lost interest in the show after The Tenth Doctor, the writing was lackluster and began to change where the classic show left off. Davies knew his Whovian lore. Moffat didn't know his ass from a whole in the ground. But that Sherlock show was bad ass. Guess a Jane Bond will be the next social foray. Some may like it, some may not, it will all stand on its own merit.