Yes.When packing, how do you top off the bowl? Do you pack a little below the brim to give the tobacco room to rise when you do the first light? Or do you pack above the rim to allow the tobacco room to settle with the first light? Or do you pack even with the brim to anticipate both tendencies? Frankly I think I do all three on occasion depending on the cut, the moisture, my appetite for a smoke, and my mood. I think I tend to pack pretty loosely a little below the brim.
Same! I'll pack to a good, "safe" level and then I just have to squeeze that last little pinch in for some reason...I aim for below the rim and almost invariably end up above. I'm just greedy, I guess.
That is kind of interesting when you think about it. Based on my experiences with the pipe, it does seem like expanding tobacco would cause cigarettes (and maybe cigars, too) to burst. It just has to be something with the physics and thermodynamics and other 10 cent words I don't really understand, because I use to hand roll cigarettes and this was never a problem, even with no additive blends like the American Spirit varieties. On the rare occasion that I did roll too tightly, it would just have a stiff draw, similar to a plugged cigar, but it never caused any problems with the paper bursting or tearing... That said, if I didn't trim the ends of my smokes, and some tobacco stuck out of the end, it absolutely would expand when lit and blow all over.Gravity fill to just just above the rim. Lightly finger tamp it level. Char, tamp back down to juuuust under the rim. Light, enjoy!*
I can probably do a little more in my bowls. But this method works for me. And if at the end of the pipe I need more, well then I just have to smoke another pipe, gosh-darnit.
*note, this is NOT for cube cut
ETA; Sweet Home Alabama, that might have something to do with whatever chemical additives are in cigarettes. Maybe? I'm guessing.
Yep, have had a bit of hot ash blow into my eye before, painful.usually at the rim, but in the rare event I'm smoking outdoors then packing to the rime is a bit risky business,
me too!Don't feel bad. I've responded to threads and notice I had responded months earlier.