I've got a 120g Leuchtturm that I keep track of my pipe tobacco stuff in for fun. It's broken up into sections: Pipes, Virginias, Burleys, Latakias, Aromatics, Misc. & Accessories, and finally a ledger.
For pipes, each pipe gets it's own page. I draw the pipe in profile at the top, then list it's specs, where/when and how much I paid for it. Then finally a lengthy section for notes on it.
All the tobacco sections are the same. Two blends per pages, one up top one below. Blend name, brand, composition and cut. Flavor for aromatics. A sections for notes. Finally a small section listing how many tins/oz of that blend I bought and on what date. Helps to identify blends I stock up on a lot at a glance.
Accessories section is less formalized, usually just the item name and notes.
Finally the ledger is a full blown ledger. It lists date, item, quantity, price and running total. Everything I buy related to pipes goes in that ledger, the running total hurts to look at but definitely helps to keep my purchasing in check.
I've also got a digital spreadsheet that does the same kinds of things as well as keep track of weight totals and what not.
That stuff and the label making are the hobby side of it for me.