I don't think there's anything wrong with haggling.
I am a craftsman myself and I don't mind my customers (or potential customers) trying to save money, even if it's on my items, especially in these times. The thing is, as a craftsman, if I'm selling to a first time buyer of my items, I have to appreciate the fact that they don't know me, or my work, and therefore, in their minds, they're taking a chance on my items, as quality work (especially to the untrained eye) doesn't always show itself right away. That only comes with time and use.
And because I feel confident in the work and the quality of my items, I'm often willing to sell to a new customer for a lower price than I'm asking, because I know (or, at least, I hope) they'll come back and possibly refer to me to others. So, whatever I "lose" in my asking price, I often gain in repeat and new business. Most importantly, you build good relationships that way (business and personal).
So, I'm in the corner of "it doesn't hurt to ask." If a person is not willing to haggle, there are plenty of other people who will.