I do not believe anything Greg said in that post is any special science ONLY a blender would know. It sounds like the things we all learn over time.
Ive either learned it from seasoned pipers or found out for myself.
I was actually told by Greg a decade ago that most blenders sell their tobacco at the moisture level THEY believe brings out the best flavors. Of course some lesser brands load up on the propylene glycol to preserve moisture and bulk up their product.
Every time someone asks how to rehydrate tobacco, I tell them to try it first. I have found several blends that taste great bone dry. The covering the bowl of dry tobacco while blowing through the pipe, ive been doing that for many years.
I personally do not dry many blends. Ive just found a way to smoke them at their moisture level. I found that out with FVF many years ago. Everyone said to let it sit out to dry. I did that for awhile. Then I tried it right from the tin one time........and I couldn't get it to stay lit. I tried again, and again, and again.....
The reason I kept trying is because the flavors I was getting when it was lit, was fantastic. Eventually I learned how to smoke it and use that knowledge with other moist blends. The flavors can be drastically different at different moisture levels.
In the end, smoke it like YOU like it, but seriously try ALL options. Ive heard too many people say they have always dried their moist tobacco because the internet told them to. Some even leave every single bowl of tobacco out for hours, never trying the blend at the tin moisture. And some even MICROWAVE their tobacco!! All bit guaranteeing the essential oils are destroyed.

I haven't read all the posts here. If you are a microwaver........KNOCK IT OFF!!