Not currently, but in my dotage I may do the dottle.
Please don't stress!For some unknown reason I used to get stressed about not being able to smoke a bowl to the bottom. Everytime I think I'm finished with a bowl and proceed to empty it out, thinking only ash is left, there's always unburnt tobacco remaining. I'm happy to see others who don't feel this is a blasphemy. Lately I've quit stressing about it. Like others have stated, the tobacco at the bottom served it purpose.
But with all that being said, the bottom 1/4 of the bowl has no carbon cake forming. I'm wondering if that's going to be an issue?
I started this post so likely I am a new smoker who does not have the best technique yet. I also use cobbs more than briars which might be a factor. So I have dottle left. Normally I empty out top ash, remix the dottle, light again, and it works out fine.Although I source my stash of tobacco from America, I don't ever forget that the price of a 50g tin of baccy here in Nanny State Australia is $125.
Nothing goes to waste.
Reading the replies I'm wondering what the hell are you guys smoking for so many to have a problem with dottle?
I smoke a variety of genres [except for goopy aromatics and lat-bombs] and most bowls I'm left with grey ash.
Rarely do I smoke a bowl from start to finish and often relight a bowl several times.
On the rare occasion where a bowl does get too hot I put it down to cool and light up another pipe.
So I'm thinking that maybe my bowls don't get a chance to get too hot with a build-up of moisture to create dottle?
Above is sage wisdom.If it tastes nice I smoke it. If it tastes horrible I dump it.
I have mostly been using cobs or a $40 briar, but I just got a $150 Salvinelli so probably will dump it in that pipe.I have one pipe that will smoke to the bottom of the bowl and go out naturally. I have two others in which I tried that and saw that I was coming close to damaging the pipes so I now dump the dottle in all my pipes but that one ... and that is hit or miss depending on how evenly the tobacco is burning and tasting.
The pipes cost more than the tobacco....its not worth damage...toss it !