Do You Consider Yourself a Smoker?

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Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
If I ask,"Are you a smoker?" That's a pretty straight forward question. The response will be what is thought to be the most positive for the person answering the question. It will be based on how they see themselves and how they want others to see them. I will concede that.
The answer, whatever it is, will provide me with feedback as to how the person thinks and perceives themselves. If an individual states that they are not a smoker and my research shows that they are? They are placed in the appropriate category in my mind or on my list.
My sister-in-law would make a package of cigarettes (20) last a year plus. She was a smoker. Should I use a descriptor, I would saw she was a "dabbler" or "infrequest" smoker. But, we are getting into degrees, self-perception and the perception of others.
So, to end my participation in this very entertaining thread: If you smoke you are a smoker. The frequency of smoking, whether you inhale, your choice of how the nicotine is delivered, is of interest only to you. And, possibly your family, doctor, employer and insurer. It is important only to the smoker so that they can differentiate themselves from habitual smokers, in particular those that smoke the hated cigarettes. I can accept that without understanding the why. Embarrassment? Perhaps. Self-delusion? Maybe. Fear of being identified with the cigarette? Fear of higher insurance rates? Too much concern with what others think?
It still boils down to what the person asking the question is searching for? The degree of smoking? if of interest to the person asking, should be explored with follow up questions.
edit: A great response or observation will easily and quickly bring back to the fray.



Might Stick Around
Mar 13, 2012
I appreciate everyone's input didn't think it would start such a conversation but really interesting hearing how you all see your smoking habit/hobby.
I personally think now, although I can go days or even a week without my pipe I am starting to miss the nicotine when I don't have it.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 31, 2014
If an individual states that they are not a smoker and my research shows that they are? They are placed in the appropriate category in my mind or on my list.
Let's take someone who only smoked a pack of cigarettes a year, identified as a non-smoker internally and explicitly told you that they were a non-smoker. Would you judge them because your definition of smoker was different to theirs or would you judge them as a liar? Surely it's not lying if you believe you're telling the truth?
I almost feel like it's an impossible situation. If I answer 'No' then I'm technically being incorrect but if I answer 'Yes' then people will get the wrong impression of my smoking habits. What does it matter if people get the wrong idea though? Why should I care? I suppose I've lived my life not wanting anyone to have the wrong idea about me or anything I do, I don't care if their view of me is positive or negative, just that it's correct. As the saying goes, 'I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not'.
Very interesting thread!



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I'll put the situation in the context of when I was in-charge of pre-employment screening for the police department. The answer to the question on a screening document could lead to further exploration should we receive different information through background checks. This would be most especially true if they reeked of stale smoke. As far as smoking is concerned, I was more concerned with the veracity of the answer than the answer. There would be time further down the line in the oral interview and polygraph exam for explanations.
Now, as a private individual I would never ask anyone such an impertinent question of anyone. Nor, in similar circumstances would I deign to answer such a question except here on this board. I am a smoker, my clothes reek of stale smoke, as does my mustache, hair and my abode. I smoke many bowls a day, a few cigarettes, no longer chew and also enjoy the occasional cigar. Hopefully, the OP's curiosity is satisfied. :puffpipe:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 31, 2014
Thanks Warren, I certainly see where you're coming from.
I suppose I'd give a different answer to the police, who are looking at hard facts, than a new acquaintance who would be making a more abstract judgement on my character and life.
Maybe I do care a little too much about what other think of me!



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
warren, I recently had a blood clot in my lungs. The doctors took multiple pictures of my lungs and I asked how do they look, any signs of abnormalities or darkness due to smoking. Doc said nothing is there, totally clear, how long did you smoke for?. I told him when I was a kid I smoked cigarettes, he said good thing you stopped when you did.
I smoked a pack and a half of Marlboro Reds for 30 years. I then switched to Camel Blues for another 10. I began smoking premium cigars in 1982 or so and smoked them daily along with cigarettes for a good 26 years. I then picked up the pipe in 1997 and I had quite cigarettes for a few years so I was just pipes and cigars. I quit the cigars somewhere around 2008 and was smoking my pipe and cigarettes at the time. I have been smoking something for 46 years( that doesn't even count blowing my lungs out with pot for another 30 or so years).
If an insurance company asks if I smoke now or have ever smoked in the past, they can kiss my ass as I tell them Who me, nah I never smoked, just look at my lung xrays and cat scans. Am I morally reprehensible, I could give a shit less when a 2 night stay in the hospital for my latest blood clot episode cost 42,000.00, again they can kiss my ass. If I had no insurance, I would have been screwed as they give no discount to an uninsured patient and my insurance company paid out 9k out of the 42k and the hospital took it and shut up. If anyone who is a smoker and tells their insurance company they are, then you are nuts. Screw what is the right thing to do, when our insurance and hostpitals are robbing people blind.
When it comes down to who gets my money, I will pick my kids over any insurance company and hospital all day long.



Jan 13, 2016
Insurance companies and medical industry will newer get certain truths out of me. I just enjoy my pipe and tobacco collections in a proper way.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
cigarmaster: I'm just not capable of relating to your situation. Or, that of some other members. I've worked too hard for my kids admiration and respect. I've stumbled once or twice (smoking is one) but, by and large, I'm leaving them no memories I'm too ashamed of.
My doctor always complains that he cannot point to problems from my smoking. He attributes that to good genes and not my lifestyle.
I never lie about my smoking. One, I'm not wired that way. And two, it's easy to get caught in the fraud should the insurance companies decide to put an investigator on it. Then, if found out, you'll lose it all and possibly face prosecution. It's simply a matter of figuring out what is important. And, proclaiming your activities and feelings on a public forum such as this is just asking for trouble. Some thoughts and activities are better kept to your self.
Also, I've never stolen services nor defrauded anyone, I pay my way or forego the service. I have good health insurance through my retirement program. They've never exhibited any interest in whether I smoke or not. Good financial planning early in life means I could forego insurance should I wish.



Sep 14, 2015
Yes, I consider myself a smoker.
My pain specialist has a questionnaire to fill out every visit. It asks, "Do you smoke?" then lists "Cigarettes, Cigars, Pipe, Other" and states "Only circle one." Of course I circled two because it was the truth, I smoked cigarettes AND pipes. It also asks me to list frequency.
On my last visit, a few days ago, I only circled Pipes realizing I no longer smoke or crave cigarettes. I never thought I would quit.
Although I still inhale infrequently, I don't get winded on bike rides nearly as often or as bad. As a former healthcare professional, it drives me nuts when people play mental gymnastics trying to come up with answers to health questions which are only relevant when appeasing their ego or maintaining some self identity which to others may seem petty or irrelevant. If you are on this site, you are a smoker. If you only smoke a cigar once or twice a year, you are a smoker.
The question on forms should now be. "Do you ingest nicotine?"
The ancient Mayan Indians used to consume an alcoholic/narcotic beverage until they could no longer stand, at which point they took enemas of the intoxicating liquid. That is total commitment. I see the day coming where people will put plugs of tobacco in their ass to avoid scrutiny by the masses. It fixes the problem of smelly clothes, breath and beards (kinda) and is the funniest thing I have thought of today. Plug tobacco indeed.




Can't Leave
Jan 20, 2016
Maybe I shouldn't add this comment. Almost eight years ago when my son was at the cancer center, a couple young doctors was asking my son if he was a smoker. Yes, was his answer. Well, those doctors went nuts about the dangers of smoking. That night as we left that cancer hospital, around the corner, just off the hospital grounds, there stood about a dozen doctors and nurses smoking like mad. I don't know if the doctors that lectured my son was there or not. But we thought it funny to see these folks puffing away on their "cancer sticks" as they called them. Our son had melanoma stage 4. So when people tell me about the dangers of smoking, I thank them and light my pipe to reflect on their wisdom. Then I reason that something is most likely to kill me off, the odds are high that lifting heavy coffins will do it.



Jan 31, 2011
An additional point regarding all of this that some of you may find of interest: In the newly adopted coding set for medical conditions (ICD10) the term "smoker" without any other qualifiers, codes to "nicotine dependence". So for purposes of reporting medical conditions, if you are a "smoker", then you are considered "nicotine dependent".



Might Stick Around
Jan 27, 2016
One could also ask the question: "Do you smoke?" Semantics? Perhaps, but it seems to me we would all have to answer "yes" to that question.

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