Regardless of your religious beliefs, most people in this forum would recognize that pipe-smoking done properly is not simply a technical activity, or a chemical one. If it were, one might as well raise and lower a pipe to their mouth like an automaton and pop a nicotine pill.
Instead, many of us recognize a purposefulness, a mindfulness -- the measured breathing, the release of petty distraction, the focus on flavor and rhythm and stilling yourself.
One might "smoke a pipe" and yet fail at this, and thus, I would argue, is failing to grasp the fuller purpose of pipe-smoking.
Following this theory, I would say that there are many who practice religion in the same manner -- mechanically, mindlessly. For many religion is reduced to a formula -- technical, rule-following, safe, and knowledge-based.
I suspect that if you read your Bible not as an academic endeavor, but as a way to commune with your Creator, if your faith is a living relationship, it makes perfect sense that it would be accompanied with a pipe, much as many of us enjoy a pipe with a friend.
I, for one, taught myself to smoke a pipe during a time when I was pursuing deeper peace with God, not as a prodigal trying to flee him.
Many fine Bible-reading thinkers were/are pipe-smokers and did/do not find it as incongruous with their faith, including JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, GK Chesterton, Dietrich Bonheoffer, and Malcom Guite.
All my best theological study is done with a pipe at hand.