Do we have too many pipes?

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Apr 26, 2013
Posella pipes are Italian, quite nice, and sold at iwan ries. Tashkent I've heard of but know nothing about it.
I am at the 'way too damn many pipes' point in my disease. 200+ in 6 years. I think I'm going to cull the herd, yet have another Estella in the mail... lol



Oct 14, 2014
Tashkent is an oriental blended by Peretti’s. Fine weed, heavy on the Izmir. It’s also the Capitol of Uzbekistan, which is nice. For the lightning round, Posella makes cool rusticated big ol’ Italian pipes. His family get’s all the best briar ‘cuz they run a sawmill in Calabria and cut the briar. He’s brother in law to Tonino Jacono and he supplies briar to Claudio Cavicchi, one anal, detail oriented so and so. Finally these guys use briar that, unlike most of the other Italian stuff, often has a darker, smoother taste, kinda like chestnut. through it!
Edit- not that you would notice the chestnut notes in a full stuffed with captain black boogie :roll:



Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
To me, no. Doesn't mean I have no upper limit on the number of pipes I own/'ve owned/will ever own, just that each of mine is like a child, with its own personality. If it were all just about a piece of wood that I used as a utensil I could get by with half a dozen or fewer. Each of them's unique for me & its own individual self.



Aug 22, 2016
Your mom\\\'s house
You are trying to apply logic to my PAD.



Jul 6, 2018
New York
In the past I’ve had upwards of 150 pipes at one time, which is too many....for ME. I know there are collectors who have many hundreds of pipes, but I have found my comfortable range at 60-70 pipes. This number allows me a nice rotation of varietal specific pipes and a handful of sentimental pipes I just cannot sell, but rarely smoke. I cull my collection about once a year and I’ve generally accumulated 6 or 8 pipes since the last cull. As Jesse said, I’m not really looking for pipes anymore, I’m just looking for better examples of pipes I already own or the odd pipe that grabs my fancy. I suppose one doesn’t need more than 3 or 4 pipes, but the whole reason we are on this forum is that we have more interest in pipes than simply what we need!
What do you do with your culled pipes? I've sold a few to SP but figure there must be a more cost-effective venue.



Oct 26, 2012
A couple weeks ago Le Pipe posted a new batch of Posella pipes, nearly all of them smooths. There's a 4 star Dublin that's still looking for a home Duane ! And Tashkent is indeed a very fine weed. I just put a pound in the cellar in case Peretti decides to go the way of McClelland.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
What do you do with your culled pipes?
I've actually thrown a few away.
There's a 4 star Dublin that's still looking for a home Duane ! And Tashkent is indeed a very fine weed
Still on a Savinelli yacht binge, but the tobacco may soon find a home in my closet. :wink:



Might Stick Around
Apr 18, 2018
So, I started smoking a few months ago, and I only have two pipes so far: a Vauen briar and a MM cob.
I don't consider myself poor by any means, but I have other things vying for my cash at the moment (like college tuitions for the kids). So, I try to be frugal. Plus, I only smoke one bowl on a given day, and only 2-3 days a week, so I don't need extras so I can rest my pipes. I will buy more, but each one is a major purchase for me because it is a pure luxury buy, and I'm a pretty frugal person. At a minimum, I will get another for a Christmas present this year, but I'm not sure I can wait that long. We'll see. All this talk has me wanting to visit a local shop that has a collection of them. I like to hold the pipe before I buy it. Hard to order online.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
To most people on this forum, need and pipes are mutually exclusive. As far as the logic of building cake in a few, the counter argument is dedicating pipes to specific blends and allowing pipes an adequate amount of time to dry out. Want and wallet have a lot more to do with the number of pipes forum members have than does need.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 30, 2015
I definitely don’t need more pipes than I have right now. Not being able to smoke them as often as I’d like keeps me from getting more. Though I do have enough pipes to try out different things, like blend or genre dedicating. Some have cakes and some are kept clean. Briar, meerschaum and cobs. I’m still only a few years into piping and ultimately still learning about it all and what I like.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Right now I'm actually trying to scale down the quantity of my pipe collection and upscale the quality.
I only have 1-2 bowls a day. On the weekend I might get a 3rd in depending on the weather and schedule. I probably only really need about maybe 12 pipes, but right now I have around 30 something. Obviously some get smoked more than others. I'm hoping to get more use out of some by scaling down the total number.

Mar 29, 2016
Same here. I'm keeping the ones that smoke the best and make my tobaccos sing. Looks are secondary but then I'm into classic shapes especially billiards, bulldogs and pots.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 17, 2017
From a ‘practical’ viewpoint the answer is ‘Yes’.
But what’s practical about spending money to burn up dried up leaves?!
It’s about all pleasure & enjoying life. I am concentrating more on adding tobacco to the stash rather than more production pipes now. I’ll be picking up a few custom pipes in the future.

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