Do Stingers really work

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Jun 9, 2015
Mission, Ks
I have more pipes than I smokbe and rotate about 20 or so with lots more to choose from.
I hardly ever reach for my Kaywoodes with 4 hole stingers because the stingers do inhibit the airflow, and clog and whistle and make gurgling noises. I know I can cut the stingers off, I have other pipes I bought from 'estate' sales with that treatment, but I think these pipes will sell to someone and would be worth more as original.
I will likely never sell a piipe, but that's how I think.
As a KW collector I know I speak for most of us when I say we appreciate you not chopping them.


Feb 21, 2013
If I had trouble with ash or tobacco coming through the airway, I'd like the stinger idea more, but I've had that problem only once or twice over the years. Not never, but not worth preventing.

Smoke Wagon

Can't Leave
Dec 3, 2022
If I had trouble with ash or tobacco coming through the airway, I'd like the stinger idea more, but I've had that problem only once or twice over the years. Not never, but not worth preventing.
I’ve been known to try to extend the smoke time a bit by agitating the bottom of the tobacco a bit with a tool after dumping off the loose ash. That’s when I sometimes get a bit of ash and debris up the stem. Essentially, the stinger is useful when I get lazy.
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Epip Oc'Cabot

Can't Leave
Oct 11, 2019
For me…. stingers work really well… to give me a HEADACHE because to me they are messy and a pain in the posterior to clean, and they impede my using a pipe cleaner. As far as improving the actual smoking experience…. no difference identifiable for me.

My favorite way to use a stinger is to gently remove it from the pipe, clean it, usually with alcohol running through the stinger and often running through me as well, placing them into an old cigar box I keep all sorts of do-dads, and then storing that cigar box in a desk drawer. With this form of stinger usage, I have also found the benefit of saving and using less aspirin as well… a double benefit.

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
There probably isn’t a day goes by when I’m not digging out a stinger in a KW or other brand.
I can understand how stingers we’re supposed to work, but did they really do the job. Did stingers offer a cooler, less moist smoke.
Refurbing there’s a plethora of different designs, and stingers, and gadgets they claimed they worked.
Thanks all. Time to take some stingers out of the alcohol soak.
Based on removing about a hundred Lee stingers, they worked too well.

The stinger, if left inserted, cools the smoke, and removed just a bit of the flavor.

Why I love the craftsmanship and briar quality of pre war Kaywoodies the best, and smoke Lees virtually constantly, is removing a Kaywoodie stinger by grinding it off, is blasphemy.:)


Oct 15, 2022
Orcas, WA
I have several old pipes from my own purchasing and my father's collection that came graced with stingers of all sorts. I find gurgles happen with and without stingers. I'm with @greysmoke , I pull 'em when I can, drop 'em in a box (labeled in case I ever move such pipe along) and don't miss them at all. I do like to use a pipe cleaner whenever I detect a gurgle. One I will not remove (and not sure I can) is the Hesson Guard system in an old WDC Milano Zulu (which does pass a pipe cleaner no problem).


Oct 15, 2022
Orcas, WA
Dec 27, 2022
There probably isn’t a day goes by when I’m not digging out a stinger in a KW or other brand.
I can understand how stingers we’re supposed to work, but did they really do the job. Did stingers offer a cooler, less moist smoke.
Refurbing there’s a plethora of different designs, and stingers, and gadgets they claimed they worked.
Thanks all. Time to take some stingers out of the alcohol soak.
Only certain ones seem to work.
Kaywoodies especially the 4 hole seem to trap moisture and smoke quite well.