DIY Pipe Cabinet

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Jun 3, 2018
So I started a pipe cabinet project today. I don’t have many pipes yet but it will hold 42 when it is done. So guess gives me an excuse to buy more eventually. The wood I salvaged from an antique fireplace. I have cut all boards to size but still need to sand, route edges, and put it all together. Hopefully it turns out nice when completed.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="5_FEE1662_0_A6_E_493_C_A7_E3_A80_FB4_EC4_CDF" /></a><br />
<a href=""><img src="" alt="C2_B0_EE1_F_4_E82_46_AF_82_F6_E722591_D4_F3_F" /></a>



Jun 3, 2018
Thanks, yes DIY is always the way to go. I don’t have all the tools I would like but I can make due since I’m making it for myself. I can deal with any slight imperfections and later in life when I get more tools and pipes. Then I can make a floor unit with drawers for tobacco.
I just finished sanding and routing the top and bottom. I also made indents for the bowls. I’m thinking I can do 7.5” openings on two shelves and a 12” for any longer pipes I might buy. Does that sound like adequate spacing to you guys who have lots of pipes?

May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
That's a very nice looking pipe cabinet so far. Is that oak? Looks like it anyways. Can't wait to see what she looks like when she's done and also how it looks once she's stocked to the gills with pipes! Good work!
You've now inspired my next project to be one of a pipe/tobacco storage cabinet. I need to find something old I can reclaim the wood from. Buying nice looking wood can be expensive. I would try to break down old pallets, since a lot them are made from hardwoods, but I don't have a planer (my next tool purchase) at the moment and that kind of helps to remove surface issues and make them all the same thickness.



Jun 3, 2018
Yes the wood is white oak reclaimed from an old fireplace surround. I was lucky to borrow my neighbors planer to get the board to the thickness I wanted. One day I’ll end up buying one but for now it is nice to have good neighbors. I always try to reclaim wood somehow since going back to our lumberyard gets expensive for nice wood. Good luck on the pipe/tobacco storage cabinet and post photos. I am hoping to have this finished in the next week if nothing comes up.

Jan 8, 2013
Looking great! I can't wait to see photos of it finished, with pipes :clap:
Yes the wood is white oak reclaimed from an old fireplace surround.
What is it with Marines and tearing something apart to make something new? :rofl: My brother in law is a Marine, and built me a stand out of pallet wood. He just looked at photos of other stands and built it. It ended up being huge! But it fits my Nordings when other pipe racks would not, and I love it.



Jun 3, 2018
Demo is as much fun as building it. I made a rack out of scrap but wife can smell pipes drying so decided to try a cabinet. She doesn’t mind while I smoke she doesn’t like the after smell.

Jan 8, 2013
wife can smell pipes drying so decided to try a cabinet. She doesn’t mind while I smoke she doesn’t like the after smell.
Makes sense. Some blends, after the "room note" has passed can leave behind a smell akin to stale cigarette smoke. Most ladies don't like that.



Jun 3, 2018
Well I made some progress finally. Still need some sanding, finish, hardware, back, and glass. Oh and of course pipes.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="CA55_EB77_893_E_4_BD1_9953_C36_FF0_BF77_C5" /></a>

May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
She's a beauty! I assume the top rack you're going to use for some churchwardens? At least, that's what it looks like. Are the bottom "scoops" just drilled out with a paddle bit, or what did you use to create those with? Only reason I ask is I'm planning to make one myself soon, even though I'm likely to die making it do this awful heat we currently have. I really like the design you have here though.



Jun 3, 2018
Yes carilinachurchwarden I left the top for church wardens and bottom two are for regular length pipes. The bases is done with 1” spade bit as that is what I had. If I had it too do over I would have used a different bit. My plan is while sanding using dremel to sand centers down so they bit outline doesn’t show up as much. Also I agree I’ve been doing a little here and there do to high temps and humidity.
Thanks for the link on hot water flushing. I have never heard of it but will do some research in that thread.

May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
Okay, I can see that now in the holes where the tip went. That's a bit of a pain to drill out without something tipped. I think I too used a dremel to sand down the inside of the bowls of the two pipes I made a month or so ago. I bought a carving tip and used that to gently ease the corners and carve the hole in the center, blending it into the sides, then I sanded that back with increasing levels of sandpaper. If there's a better way, I'd love to know it, aside from carving it out with a curved chisel.
By the way, I would swear by jpmcwjr's water cleaning method. Keeps the pipes from smelling like an ashtray or just smelling bad in general, since lets face it, that room note is great, but it doesn't transfer to burnt tobacco ash in the bowl. The water method is great and I use it after every day I am done with a briar. Sometimes if I forget, I just stand there with a cleaner while running hot water through and use the same cleaner to scrub back and forth in the bowl until I can no longer tell I'm wiping out carbon. I just wipe out my cobs, since water would just melt the things over time.



Jun 3, 2018
The small rack I made I used dremel with coned sanding bit and burnt them in. Gave a nice color after a little sanding. Projects like this make me miss high school shop classes. We had everything I could want for building stuff. I get by ok with the limits of my garage shop. I just say it has character :D



Jun 3, 2018
The small rack I made I used dremel with coned sanding bit and burnt them in. Gave a nice color after a little sanding. Projects like this make me miss high school shop classes. We had everything I could want for building stuff. I get by ok with the limits of my garage shop. I just say it has character

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