Something to think about... Of course if you have a pipe lighter and it works for you, that's great. They sell thousands of them, all of them, so they must work for some. My problems are, that the compressed gas lighter just never held the fluid for me. I have had two different guys at two different stores show me how to fill the things, using various techniques, they work for a while, never as long as a BIC. Then the Zippos... I actually love my Zippo, but one of the various things that can go wrong with one invariably do on me at times when it sucks. I get to the B&M lounge, spread out my pipe and tobaccos and related gear, get out my lighter, looking all cool and sophisticated. Cigar guys all looking over my shoulder watching my ritual, my process, and then I grab an Old Boy or my Zippo, click, click... no fluid or flint or some other weirdness, and I have to borrow a match or a Bic for someone, not cool, not suave. Out and about in the car, click click... I have to pull over at a convenience store and buy matches or a Bic. I have invested almost a thousand in all of the best lighters; a couple of different Coronas, Kiribi, a Lotus, a few that I can't remember their name, a few Zippos, and an everlasting match thingy. I have a special rack for them. I really like all of them, for the most part. And, I will carry one in my case, and I will use it if it is all in order. I am just not a fan of having to also tote around a bunch of gear to support my dang lighter, along with all of the other thing that are needed for pipes. But, Bics are easy, can be found anywhere, I can use it with one hand in the car, and they're cheap.
That's my thought on lighters. All in all, get one if you just want to, any of them are just as good or difficult with varying perks and flaws. Many are beautiful, if you are a tech geek like me. I advice getting one of each if you can afford it. But, maybe keep a Bic in the pipe bag as well.
However, if you just use any of them by holding the flame above the rim, without pointing the flame downward into the bowl, you'll get a good light and save your pipe the risk of burning the inside or the rim. Guys used to light their pipes by holding a burning chunk of ember from the fire, as long as they held it above the rim, it worked fine without hurting their pipes.
Anyways, this is just my thinking on it. There ain't no rules, so take it for what it is... my thoughts. :: Keep it smokey...
That's my thought on lighters. All in all, get one if you just want to, any of them are just as good or difficult with varying perks and flaws. Many are beautiful, if you are a tech geek like me. I advice getting one of each if you can afford it. But, maybe keep a Bic in the pipe bag as well.
However, if you just use any of them by holding the flame above the rim, without pointing the flame downward into the bowl, you'll get a good light and save your pipe the risk of burning the inside or the rim. Guys used to light their pipes by holding a burning chunk of ember from the fire, as long as they held it above the rim, it worked fine without hurting their pipes.
Anyways, this is just my thinking on it. There ain't no rules, so take it for what it is... my thoughts. :: Keep it smokey...