sablebrush52 : “ So what is the deal with the FDA, are they trying to totally shut down pipe tobacco?
Also what is up with the EU and Britian? Where is the rumor about Dunhill shutting down coming from?
Harriss, think of this as a Mongolian cluster fuck. Big Tobacco helps craft this legislation so that it makes the introduction of new blends potentially ruinously expensive by requiring all such blends to go through an FDA mandated Deeming process. This will effectively kill off their competition from vaping. Pipes and pipe tobacco are collateral damage. None of the movers and shakers care about pipes and pipe tobacco. Big Tobacco has the deep pockets to continue while paying for FDA approval. Shitty cigarettes will abound. Boardrooms will resound with jubilation.
Since the legislation was passed many years ago, Congress set up a couple of cut off dates affecting blends on the market. The first of these, February 15th 2007, sets the date for grandfathering in existing tobacco blends. If a blend was available before, on, and after this date, it is grandfathered in. For now...
The second date was the cut off for newer blends to continue to be sold without FIRST undergoing the ruinously expensive and vaguely defined FDA deeming process. That date was August 8th of 2016. And blends introduced to the market after that date needed to be FDA approved first. Then there was a third date, for compliance, that was August 8th 2018. That date has been pushed back to August 8th 2021. So the guillotine still exists, but it's date for being released has been moved back.
As for the Brits and the EU, they have their own sets of laws. Smoking is bad for you and it costs your countries billions of dollars every year in medical costs and lost productivity. So the countries are going to stamp it out one way or another.
Except for cigarettes, because those are so good for you.“
Thank you for an excellent summary of the situation that gets to the heart of the matter. With your permission, I’ll pass that on to others verbatim.