So I got two FLN pipes some months ago and have been working on breaking one in, but I have found a slight dillema; the pipe has a plateau rim, which looks gorgeous. The whole pipe is gorgeous and it is super high quality briar, but the problem is that the rim is carved higher in some spots than it is in others, particularly, the rim happens to sit up quite a bit higher on the right hand side of the pipe than it does on the left. Why is this a problem? Well, this is normally right where I happen to rest my match or my lighter when lighting my pipe, and keeping my flame source on this higher spot results in an extremely uneven light. The tobacco on the left side of the bowl is just fine while the tobacco on the right side doesnt see any flame. This makes it a real pain in the ass to light evenly. Matches dont give me a good light, and using a butane forces me to wrench my hand and my wrist in a way that is really uncomfortable and causes me to burn my thumb. Ive even used my angled flame lighter without much luck. Its gotten to the point that the last 1/3 of the bowl is pretty much impossible for me to light. Can anyone think of a creative solution to this problem? Anyone have a pipe that has a plateau rim that is a pain in the ass to light? I really love the way the pipe looks and on the rare occasion I can get it to light properly, it is a very fine smoking pipe, so I hate to give up on it, but Im starting to reach for it less and less.
As an edit, I suppose I should also mention I am right handed, and I tried lighting the pipe with my left hand the other day. The results were not pleasant to say the least.
As an edit, I suppose I should also mention I am right handed, and I tried lighting the pipe with my left hand the other day. The results were not pleasant to say the least.