If sub-par means the pipe ruins or detracts from the exceptional tobacco, then this seems to me to be one of those "same clown in different makeup" choices. There's no point in smoking terrible tobacco in a lovely pipe or smoking wonderful tobacco in a pipe that makes it unenjoyable. If those are my choices, I'm passing on both.
If sub-par just means "factory pipe that's not a $500 artisanal piece", then I definitely am fine with smoking good tobacco in a perfectly fine non-artisanal pipe.
If we place "sub-par pipe" on the spectrum of a functional & piece of art, "sub-par", for me, rests much farther on the functional side, but that doesn't mean "a piece of garbage"
I was thinking about what mug to use for black tea, hot coco, coffee, and green tea, and I immediately realized that it's the same. The "bowl" has to be big enough to coffee + cream but it doesn't matter if it was made by a famous clay turner.
I know you're all going to point out that a pipe's physics is much more of a factor for a good smoke than a mug's is for a good green tea, black tea, coffee, or hot coco. Those points are true - But I think the analogy can teach us
something about pipes vs tobacco.
Could I drink Folgers coffee in a beautiful mug for the rest of my life? - Sure!
Could I drink my favorite coffee ever in a really generic mug? - Sure !
In the context of pipes & tobacco: I still lean toward "Folgers" (OTC tobacco) with a pipe that brings the experience up one notch more.