Good reviews are not full of opinion. A good review is more a vignette, what was seen, tasted, smelled and observed. I believe that is a distinction with a difference.
I completely agree with this. A
good review attempts to convey the above, which can be very difficult to accomplish. Language is notoriously inexact at conveying sensory experience. A
good review is not just an opinion. A
good review relies on having solid knowledge and experience of the topic underlying the review. It may contain opinions or relate a point of view, but it has to offer more to be useful.
As has been mentioned, a
good review also relies on the well developed faculties of the reviewer, knowledge, expertise, and in the case of reviewing flavors, a well developed palate, something not universally available. Not everyone has an equally developed sense of taste and smell. Not everyone can write equally well or with equal clarity, which is critical if one is going to convey one's experiences to others.
Tobacco reviews is largely a hobbyist level site. There are some expert reviewers, but there's no bar to anyone posting, regardless of his or her ability to distinguish flavors and to describe those impressions.
I've learned over time to pay attention to particular reviewers whose information I have found trustworthy. They're not the only ones that I read, but they do carry more weight.