The Marxman pipes I favor came with these break in instructions:

I’ve read where some pipe smokers load up their brand new pipes and start smoking, claiming no break in procedure at all.
But I think most of us go through a little ceremonious procedure of breaking in a pipe.
Bob Marx’s advice is close to all the other break in instructions I’ve seen.
He does advise removing most of the cake frequently in a time when most others advised leaving a cake the thickness of a dime, otherwise he’s right in line with the others.
I would add, I don’t judge a pipe until I’ve smoked it about a dozen times.
I follow the Marxman method more or less, except I like to use a tiny dab of honey, instead of saliva.
What’s your break in method?

I’ve read where some pipe smokers load up their brand new pipes and start smoking, claiming no break in procedure at all.
But I think most of us go through a little ceremonious procedure of breaking in a pipe.
Bob Marx’s advice is close to all the other break in instructions I’ve seen.
He does advise removing most of the cake frequently in a time when most others advised leaving a cake the thickness of a dime, otherwise he’s right in line with the others.
I would add, I don’t judge a pipe until I’ve smoked it about a dozen times.
I follow the Marxman method more or less, except I like to use a tiny dab of honey, instead of saliva.
What’s your break in method?