I am most amazed that there are people who cannot discern a difference between pipes chambers.
I mean, it is something that we have discussed ad naseum on the forums, discussed in the PM Radio Show, it is a favorite at pipe club meetings... it's not like it is something someone just invented. This conversation goes back to before I ever got here, maybe even before I was born. Books have been written...
I just am stummeled by someone who cannot taste a difference between a tall 3/4" narrow tapered cone shaped chamber and a wide 1" wide pot shaped chamber. NOT the OUTSIDE SHAPE or SIZE, but the actual hole that holds the tobacco. To me it is like saying that all tobacco tastes the same. OIr, there are no colors.
The briar also has an aroma that adds to the difference, and I notice that the briar on a thin walled pipe is louder that the briar on a thick walled pipe.
Of course not all narrow chambered pipes taste the same, but there are some generalities that can be assumed.
I fall short of saying that all Virginias do best in,,, blah blah blah shapes, and latakias in blah blah blah. Of course that is getting too assumptive. But, to me there is an obvious difference.
In a tall narrow cone shaped pipe, half way down, I can taste that less tobacco is burning at the time, and less tobacco is being heated to release flavors from the oils of the leaf, so I focus in more on just the burning leaf flavors. And, in a wider bowl, I get more volume, and more heated oils from surrounding tobaccos. In a wide pipe with Virginias, I get a deeper flavor, but the small nuances of sugar tastes get drowned out by the bigger picture, whereas in a tall narrow pipe, I can taste the subtle differences in fruity flavors and sugars in the same Virginia, without any of that big bass note flavor.
Like drinking a wine from a tall narrow flute shaped glass and a brandy snifter; the shape affects the aroma, thus the flavor.
Sure, the cut of the tobacco, the pack, the briar, and cadence all also affect flavors, but to agree that they affect the flavors, yet the pipe doesn't is ludicrous.
But, as in official debates it is against the rules to use a personal example, because one cannot argue with someone's personal experience that cannot be verified by any means, so I think it is best to just acknowledge that some people cannot taste the differences in pipes and
move on with the discussion as if they do not exist. What the hell else do you do with them? It's like debating with someone who says that all tobaccos taste the same, because they cannot taste any difference. Or, colors do not exist, because I don't see any, whilst the rest of us sees the beauty of the rainbow. It does kinda make me sad though. I wish everyone could see colors. :
