So, I'm normally not a huge straight/dominant virginia fan, leaning more towards latakia and burley. That being said, I love Cringle Flake 2021... I've smoked it after aging a few months and I've smoked it after a couple of years. The smell of the bready/vinegary/fermented/tangy virginias is the exception for me... I absolutely love it. I've had a tin of Krampusnacht for a while and finally smoked it last weekend... it was an extreme disappointment. So bland and the flavors that were present are the exact reason I'm not a virginia fan most of the time. Other than the obvious lack of perique in the Krampusnacht, what are the major differences between the two tobaccos? I'm just puzzled as to why I find one so good and the other so forgettable. Will time make a difference? The Krampus reminded me a lot of Watch City's Simply Red... definitely not my cup of tea.