I began with cigarettes, as a way to curb the stress a bit. About three years ago, for no apparent reason (I didn't know a single pipe smoker back then) I decided to buy a pipe. What I find is that a pipe is like tea, whereas cigarettes are just like a double shot expresso on the go. Cigarettes are neurotic, in-a-rush, "instant gratification". Pipes, on the other hand, are calm, contemplative. Pipe smoking I believe helps with stress in a more profound way, because it instills patience, it requires preparation and ritual (prepping the tobacco, packing the pipe, charring light, tamping, etc...), it puts you in a quiet state of mind, and it takes you out, for a moment, from the noise/hustle-and-bustle/gotta-keep-moving of this "modern age". I suppose it's like doing yoga and meditation vis-à-vis popping a Xanax.