Well I started shaping a pipe tonight. I drilled the bowl chamber and it came out perfect, then as I was drilling the air hole the unthinkable happened, the drill bit broke off inside the briar block. I was so angry that I just about popped, the briar was so nice, beautiful grain on one side, brilliant birdseye on the other and the only way to salvage the product was to cut and chisel out the drill bit. I didn't think I was going to have enough left to work with to attempt a second airway, but there was just enough. The pipe looks nothing like what I envisioned for it, and I'm not done with it, but I did salvage it, we'll see what happens as I continue to work on it. Here are some pics of the block I started with and where I am now. It is going to eventually be a variant on a pickaxe style. I'll post a finished product eventually. The stem is a temporary, I'm waiting on an order of lucite to come in. What do you guys think?