I am reminded of a story my father used to tell about success...
A fisherman would go out early in the morning and catch two fish. One to sell and one he took home to feed family and friends, and then they would drink their way late into the evening singing and having fun. Then do it all over again the next day.
A businessman comes along and starts making suggestions to the fisherman on how to grow his business and be successful. Stay out later, catch three or four fish. Invest in more and bigger boats. Make more money...
The fisherman asks, "then what?"
The businessman says, "Then after years of hard work, You build a fleet of ships, you will be successful, and then you can stay up late drinking and singing with your friends."
The fisherman just looks confused and says, "I already have that. I am already successful." ::
I grew up around and know lots of folks that you could call rich, wealthy. But, I wouldn't trade a single day to be these folks. It is a very rare thing to meet someone who is rich and is anything close to being a happy person.
A fisherman would go out early in the morning and catch two fish. One to sell and one he took home to feed family and friends, and then they would drink their way late into the evening singing and having fun. Then do it all over again the next day.
A businessman comes along and starts making suggestions to the fisherman on how to grow his business and be successful. Stay out later, catch three or four fish. Invest in more and bigger boats. Make more money...
The fisherman asks, "then what?"
The businessman says, "Then after years of hard work, You build a fleet of ships, you will be successful, and then you can stay up late drinking and singing with your friends."
The fisherman just looks confused and says, "I already have that. I am already successful." ::
I grew up around and know lots of folks that you could call rich, wealthy. But, I wouldn't trade a single day to be these folks. It is a very rare thing to meet someone who is rich and is anything close to being a happy person.