The main thing to keep in mind is to simply get the pipe lit and smoke the dried vegetable-matter you have put in there; and,
hopefully, enjoy it.
Get it done however you get it done, and so the pipe smokes well. -
That's the goal, anyway.
As far as the How You Actually Do That is concerned:
Pipes, Pipe Tobacco, Packing your Pipe and Pipe Smoking are fiddly at their core, IF YOU choose them to be; and, for whatever reason, detail-oriented and OCD-types seem to be a powerful and natural match for enjoying dogmatic procedures and fiddliness .
As a beginner looking for instruction, you are going to encounter a ton of highly detailed, multi-phasic, critical-mass theories and dogmatic gospels about
'How Zit Dun in 457 Easy-to-Master Steps'... Including such arcane self-measuring scales as
"... with the same pressure you would apply as if you were holding a small child's arm.." - WTH is that, and who the heck is expert at applying various level of pressure to the arms of infants and children as a measurement skill ?!?!
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"Like this...???"
Okay, that's what many of us went through; but, eventually, you will likely find you just will eventually "just do it", and without much thought going it the act, as a "process", once you've landed on a way, over time, which gives you the desired result -
Return to the First Sentence, if you have forgotten the stated goal already.
That is, unless YOU choose to make it a "Process and Procedure" which brings you added joy to your pipe smoking ritual.
I am probably THE LAZIEST guy on here -
doesn't clean his pipes very often, for example - and without even knowing it had a name or being conscious of doing it - or trying to do it - I went from following the Super-Fiddly Pipe Filling and Lighting Instructions, and fell right to the classic
"Codger Scoop" - A brilliant example of the Zen of Doing Without Even Trying;
if I may say so myself.
And Now, it's all done by
feel and flow - without thinking... Same goes for relights, tamping, and when to knock out excessive ash, etc.
Just do it, and
keep doing it - eventually, you'll land on your own preferred style and method which works for you.
And, don't forget to RELAX and ENJOY! -
Sherm Natman