Recently there was a thread where the OP was asking for recommendations for an “earthy” tasting Virginia. In reading the responses it was obvious that earthy is (naturally) a very subjective adjective, and while there were some overlapping suggestions it seemed that the term meant much different things to different people, again no surprise, but it was kinda all over the map: from wood, to mushrooms to grass, all earthy flavors to be sure, but dissimilar. Here’s where the value of multiple reviewers becomes apparent. Try and find someone (or someones) who’s tastes you can either relate to or calibrate to your own.
Still, it would be nice have a defined communality of relevant terms.
I have seen “flavor wheels” for cigars, something like a color wheel, that defines terms commonly used in describing cigar tasting and then places related terms adjacent to one other and the opposing flavors likewise. I am aware of data basis for wine tasting terms and definitions using specific fruits, woods etc. so that tasters can attempt to give an objective description of the wine's taste by taking a systematic approach to describing the components of what they taste.
I am curious, has anything been done like these two examples for pipe tobaccos?
Still, it would be nice have a defined communality of relevant terms.
I have seen “flavor wheels” for cigars, something like a color wheel, that defines terms commonly used in describing cigar tasting and then places related terms adjacent to one other and the opposing flavors likewise. I am aware of data basis for wine tasting terms and definitions using specific fruits, woods etc. so that tasters can attempt to give an objective description of the wine's taste by taking a systematic approach to describing the components of what they taste.
I am curious, has anything been done like these two examples for pipe tobaccos?