A couple of points in your post prompted me to post. The effects of nicotine on the brain are widely and often cited. Almost universally known I might add. I admit you might not have known unless you researched the effects of nicotine before taking up the "hobby or, wee vice as I like to refer smoking.. Nicotine effects the brain, sometimes unnoticed or, at worst, denied by the smoker. It is a drug which the brain thoroughly enjoys. Nicotine also displaces oxygen in the blood, thereby depriving the brain of what it needs most. So, it's a tradeoff. But, good feelings aside, there is nothing healthful in the use of tobacco. Besides the nicotine, which we enjoy, putting light to tobacco and then taking the carcinogens into the body ... well, that's another hazard. There are no upsides to tobacco us for the smoker, only for the farmer, the manufacturers and vendors of the blends, cigarettes, etc. All, we smokers get is the hit to the brain and the fulfilling of any rebelliousness we might possess, figuratively giving the finger to the antis by engaging in our wee vice, be it cigars, cigarettes, blends, a pinch in the cheek or a full blown, jaw stretching cud of tobacco. Oh ... and for some a crutch, much a booze, sweets, etc. are for others.
My "crutch" comment references the need of some people for some sort of outside agency, food, nicotine, "uppers", music, "study buddies", etc. as they are unable to study, write, etc. without the outside agency or "crutch." In other words, they do not possess the necessary self-discipline to perform certain activities without the assistance of an outside agency of some sort. Such doesn't make them "bad" or deficient people. It simple means they lack the self-control/self-discipline of others. We all have our own personality and ways of getting things done. Nothing personal was meant by such a general observation. It was meant as a simple statement based entirely on my personal observations of how people function/react.
I apologize if I failed to make my points as clear enough for you. Me bad!
You started a fun, robust discussion. I thank you.
My initial response was directed at the above observation. A simple, probably less contrary response, should have been, "To what purpose?"