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Mar 7, 2013
A just for fun thread.

There are lots of old(er) guys here on SF, and time is like ivy crawling and spreading up the side of a building. After a while the building is completely covered and every point on it can be connected to any other by following a series of vines.

Meaning many of you are somehow connected to someone who is reasonably famous. Maybe even a household name.

I don't mean through business dealings or in passing at some social event, but actually connected to via longtime friendship or blood relation. Here's the "test" --- could you pick up the phone and theoretically reach the famous person if everyone along the chain cooperated (provided they were still alive, of course).

I'll start:

My best friend's mother's best friend back in the 1970's and 80's was the mother of a kid who later became a legendary hardrock bassist: Jason Newsted. (Best known for Metallica.)

Your turn :col:


Oct 16, 2020
Via a relative I could get the number and call a relatively well known sports broadcaster and I'm pretty darn sure he would recall our actually meeting a couple of summers ago - if we called him at the same time he would say, "Hello friends!" ;)
Jun 9, 2015
Mission, Ks
Not any that I feel comfortable talking about on the internet, but I was on a first name basis with a lot of high ranking Military members of the G Dubbya administration. And more than a few "spooks", I did a lot of retirement ceremonies at the NRO. A lot of those people kept in touch with me afterwards. NRO tended to have the same people come back as the ceremonial Bos'n once they had been cleared to be on site. But I suspect none of them would be household names. If they even used thier real names. Come to think of it an awful lot of them were named John Smith:oops:


Oct 13, 2015
An ex girlfriend of mine’s mother was niece to the the late actress Margaret Rutherford. Another ex girlfriend was cousin to the actor Colin Firth.
My cousin’s mate was ’knocking off’ the beautiful Natalie Imbruglia for a short while. So, in theory I could get her number, maybe for a chat….possibly more, Who knows? Alas, modesty forbids. Lol
A good friend of mine, his old man used to be a bodyguard for Madonna, when she was touring England in the 80’s. I could probably get her number as well but let’s be honest, who’d want it?😱


May 26, 2022
Florida - Space Coast
My father used to tell me he messed up his shoulder racing (crashing) motorcycles over the Pineda Causeway (in Florida) with Buzz Aldrin and Gordon Cooper, i knew he worked for RCA when they were ramping up the manned missions but never really believed it. Many decades later met Buzz ( if that IS your real name) Aldrin through another friend at NASA and he was talking about the old days of the space coast and i mentioned the story and he laughed and said “You’re Sid’s kid???” son of a bitch i guess he wasn’t embellishing that story, Buzz remembered the exact day and details. They used to race to see who was buying dinner.

For the record buzz still wouldn’t sign an autograph for me, the only way he’ll sign is for $500 he puts toward his charity.


Nov 26, 2018
Lake Martin, AL
Working security for 20+ years in Aspen, I have met many “famous” people, actors, politicians, business movers and shakers. Most nice some assholes. Working as a cowboy, I met many great horse trainers. All nice. When I was younger, I climbed/worked with most of the famous climbers of the 80’s and 90’s. I have been fortunate to call many my friend.

Briar Tuck

Nov 29, 2022
Oregon coast
Hmm...well I have some friends who know Geddy Lee from Rush through some mutual friends and have attended a wedding and other events with him. My wife's best friend is a friend and neighbor of Mark Kendall, lead guitarist for the band Great White. She was even in one of their music videos.

I'm honestly not really keen on the whole celebrity thing myself. Living in a small tourist town we get our fair share of celebrities coming through every year. It sets the town all aflutter, and I try my best to avoid both the celebrity and the fans. I recently found out after the fact that we were sitting one table over from Sally Struthers when we were eating dinner at a local restaurant. Fortunately her level of celebrity is pretty low these days so I was blissfully unaware of her presence there.


Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
My Mother's sister married an Earl who was the younger brother of a well known & eccentric Marquess, thus becoming Lady Liese ******. Princess Margaret (sister of the late Queen) was guest of honour at the wedding.

The family home, an Elizabethan prodigy house, is reputed to have 365 rooms, one for each day of the year.

He committed suicide in about 1980, she did the same circa 2005.



Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
My mother used to complement Missouri Governor Mike Parson he was the only Sheriff she’d ever taught that didn’t wear dark sunglasses, cowboy boots, and tight blue jeans and think he was God’s gift to teenage girls, and went home to his wife and family, instead.

I used to eat dinner with Mike Parson when we both worked for Hickory County the summer of 1981, me for the Prosector and him for the Sheriiff.

Mike’s likely met Joe Biden, who hob knobs with princes, potentates, kings and queens and all manner of movie stars.

All I know for certain, is the Governor of Missouri had a mighty good raising, and he’s never had his hair cut in a beauty shop in his whole life, and never once tied up his barber, in his basement.

Which is why he’s the Governor of Missouri today, you know?
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Before my parents started dating, my mom apparently dated bill kazmaier, world's strongest man. My dad's proudest moment. She chose him instead!

That's pretty cool!

How old would they have been, do you know?

Here's what you would have missed if things went a little different, no offence to your dad.


That's gym chalk I'm hoping.


Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 13, 2020
Adirondack Mountains
There are a few in the woodpile.
I had a great great uncle on my mother's side who played in the first Baseball World Series.
Also a congressman who went on to be very influential in politics. He has a building named after him.
Then you get to my Dad's side. My grandmother's maiden name was Parker.
Her uncle was none other than Robert Leroy Parker AKA Butch Cassidy.


Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 16, 2015
Sacramento, CA
My friend was the tour manager for Metallica for a very long time but he quit the job because his daughters were getting older and he was missing too much of their lives. His oldest daughter and my daughter are friends and we carpool to school.

I have another friend that is cousins with a hometown baseball star, Rhys Hoskins. Rhys is now the first baseman for the Phillies.