A recent shipment I received from Rich at 4noggins contained a free sample of a tobacco called "Imagine". This weekend I opened that little pouch, packed some in a pipe, and lit it up. I almost choked. It had this terrible scent and stench that just didn't agree with me in the least. This is the first time I have ever dumped a bowl. I immediately googled the blend, only to see that it contains something called Deertongue. I'm not sure if it was the deer's tongue, or something from the hind end of the same animal, but I will be avoiding that component from here on in. I have cleaned that pipe three times now, with copious quantities of alcohol, but I can still notice that smell. Briarbid may be next on the list, lol.
That said, I did enjoy all of the other generous samples Rich has sent over the last many orders. But this deertongue stuff . . . yech
That said, I did enjoy all of the other generous samples Rich has sent over the last many orders. But this deertongue stuff . . . yech