Dead Man's Cellar

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Mar 20, 2014
I'd think the very last thing my family would have on their minds would be my pipe and tobacco collection/stash but I suppose it is something worth adding to my final wishes. My brother would most likely end up with some of my firearms and hunting/fishing gear as well as a close friend and hunting partner. My pipes and tobacco stash I'd like to see donated to our pipe club that meets in the shop once a month. They could in turn help out some newb by hooking him or her up with something of mine. I'd rather a beginner get some of my briar than to have them go off to the highest bidder. This is actually a very provocative thread topic and I'll be smoking a few bowls pondering some things.



Dec 11, 2012
Full disclosure may be impossible for some of us....
Meh. You're already dead at that point. What's she going to do - dig you back up to yell at you? :D



Apr 24, 2015
I'm taking mine with me, haha.
It might be possible. Have the mortician stuff you with 30 lbs of your favorite blends, then cremate you. They can tamp and relight until you're a nice white ash. If you go this route, I recommend aromatic blends.



Apr 26, 2013
My 10 yo already has a 7 day set of my pipes picked out for his 18th birthday. He's spent more time in the Tacoma Tinderbox than most of the members of the Seattle pipe club and has kibbutzed with Erik Stokkebye. He will get my pipes and cellar (and a 12 place setting of noritake China and a 8 place setting of depression dining set known as Patrician Spoke). Being in the Army and knowing his bio mom is Satan on the hoof, I have prepped him for such possibilities. And it's all in my will.

Mar 1, 2014
I've told my wife that if anything were to happen to me, that she should contact Steve Fallon (Pipestud) to dispose of my pipes and tobacco stash.
Yeah, but what happens when Pipestud kicks the bucket? Anyone responsible for selling my pipes is probably going to have to be younger than me, and what if I live longer than most? They may need to be younger by more than a few years.

Does anyone have a 10 year old son with a future in salesmanship and a nack for pipe restorations?



Feb 13, 2015
@seacaptain-"... Matt is survived by his wife and two children. He burned to a fine white ash with no relights, didn't gurgle, and caused no tongue bite..." :rofl:
@matches: Who could ask for more? (Come on, somebody was going to jump on that one sooner or later!)



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I'm with Peck on this discussion only I'm gonna make 'em pay. Even the anti-tobacco folks residing in the neighborhood of the incinerator.
No-one's gonna make money over my dead body. It all goes into the incinerator with my remains. The neighborhood round the crematorium will be reeking of latakia for weeks. That'll show them. Put me in a home will they! :puffpipe:



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 8, 2012
contact Steve Fallon (Pipestud) to dispose of my pipes and tobacco stash.
This. But this is an interesting thought. I was just organizing my fly tying supplies tonight, and the same logic applies there- just the stash of flies that I have tied up and ready to go are worth hundreds, but my wife would have no idea what to do with them. Same for my ski gear, etc. I guess it should be an encouragement not to sink a bunch of money in possessions that we are going to get little use out of.



Mar 20, 2014
Whatever the best route to take on this, someone should definitely make a blend called "Dead Man's Cellar".
C&D already does, sort of. They have the Cellar Series that mature anywhere from 10-20 years, I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking many of us might never crack a tin. :)



Feb 13, 2015
Have you ever had an idea that you thought would be a smashing success, only to see that idea brought to fruition by someone else first? Think, "Damn, I thought of that three years ago!"? Me too, and I hate it. Sablebrush52 was the first to think of it, and to the victor go the spoils. (Besides, he's a mensch.) My cellar goes to him. If for some reason he's no longer on the forums (if you know what I mean), it will go to the free pipe project, or whatever iteration of it is in place at the time. Davet, thank you for the suggestion of leaving the website, username, and password with the cellar. I am going to use that.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Sablebrush52 was the first to think of it, and to the victor go the spoils. (Besides, he's a mensch.) My cellar goes to him. If for some reason he's no longer on the forums (if you know what I mean), it will go to the free pipe project, or whatever iteration of it is in place at the time.
Well, I am well and truly gobsmacked. You do realize that a small army of beginning pipe smokers will now be shadowing me and that I'll have to hire a food taster and constantly check under the hood of my car before turning the key in the ignition.
I suppose it's worth it.



Sep 1, 2011
I am in a fly fishing club. We have an annual swap meet. A woman was there this year who's husband passed away. She was nice and I bought some things from her. I came back to chat and mentioned I was starting a fly fishing project for our local 4H. She said her husband was in 4H and handed me two boxes of flies with hundreds of them! Give these to the kids she said with a smile, and I will. Not a tobacco story but a story about a loss and a small kindness in some ones memory.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 10, 2015
I think about this concerning my library. My firearms and blades would probably be snatched up by nephews, the oldest currently in the Marine Corps. My guitars - maybe a nephew-in-law, who's a musician. If I go at the rate of building a cellar that I've done so far, there won't be any tobacco to distribute. Pipes - I don't know. There's no other active pipe smokers in the family. I don't have any kids of my own.



Dec 28, 2011
Topeka, KS
I love the idea of a Dead Man's Cellar Box Pass. I jar everything so the resale value is a notch above worthless. Sending the tobacco off to fellow pipers is just a splendid idea and if any of you bastards end up smoking some 15 year old Penzance, Old Ironsides, Montford Point Marine or Lancer's Slices please think of me kindly.
The pipes, well, the pipes are another all together different story. My collection has been winnowed down to forty five "very good to great" smokers and there's a half dozen or better burners that would fetch more than a few bucks. (The various production pipes would tickle the shit out of any beginner or even seasoned puffer.) This issue will require some serious parsing.
My much more valuable Boy Scout patch and neckerchief collection has already been resolved. Most of my compilation is kept in three ring binders. Inside of each binder is the name, address and phone number of a trusted fellow collector who will be allowed to choose one item per binder gratis and then move the rest on the Bay. He can charge his expenses against the sale: PayPal fees and Postage plus take a 15% override for services rendered before he cuts a check to my estate. (Believe it or not, BSA collectors will shell out the coin for the right item. I've got a friend whose current collecting passion is acquiring first issues from Order of the Arrow lodges - an honor society for Boy Scouts. He'll fly around the country to attend auctions where one first issue patch might hammer down for 15,000 clams.)
You've got to be prepared and I've overlooked my pipe & tobacco accumulations for far too long.
Great post, BTW.



Oct 15, 2013
I'm hoping these canopic jars will keep my tobacco fresh for the next 2000 years or so until a curse awakens me.

Actually, I've given word to my sons that they can do whatever they want with my pipes and tobacco. I'm starting to catalog everything now so they will know the approximate value of everything. In my case it's probably around a thousand dollars at this point. Not so much.
My will is already drawn up and burial arrangements have been made. I like to be prepared. I hope my sons appreciate this because my mom and dad had made no preparations before they passed. It took years to straighten everything out. In fact, the state of California is still holding on to some of my Dad's Disney stock because we can't find one of the heirs, my youngest brother. We'd have to hire a lawyer to deal with the state and the cost is too high. Moral of the story get you stuff in order!



Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
"My greatest fear is that my wife will sell my collection for what I told her I paid for it."
Put the actual value in your will with instructions that it not be opened for seven days after your passing. At that point nothing she can say or do will hurt you.

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