I am smoking this tobacco as we speak to write this post. I usually like most VaPers, but I am not so much into flakes or rolls if you like. I have thoroughly enjoyed this tobacco every time it went in my bowl, but I´d not change it over Elizabethan Mixture, which is one of my staples I usually keep on my rotation. For one thing, I can´t quite keep it lit in my bowl (this is at the very early stages however dry it might be). Secondly, I find this tobacco starts yielding as you go past your first quarter of the bowl, but the perique bit in it is not as much in your face as in other VaPers. Is this a bad thing? Perhaps not.but this tobacco reminds me a little bit to Dunhill´s Flake with the added zest of the perique they put in it. I don´t know what it is I am doing wrong, but it really bugs me as I know there is more to this tobacco than I can taste (perhaps its flake form?). I´d like to know what your experience with this tobacco is and how you got on with it? Do you dry it like I do before smoking it? How do you like its current flake form? Any tips you would like to give on this? Thanks.