If you mean in general (judging from when you said
You start to think about quitting the pipe, then a blend does it for you.
, yep. I will be smoking and suddenly think, "You know. I think I've had my fill of pipe smoking. Time to put it back in storage for another 20 years," and then later change my mind and be reunited with the calming, pleasant "moment" that it gives. Whether that takes place in the back yard by the woodpile listening to nuthatches or riding down the road, suddenly realizing my pace is holding up a line of traffic because I'm just not in the mood to speed anymore.
Yep. Happens a lot.
Others -- you've made me remember so many things. I'll share, but... probably not as interesting to others as it is to me. Taking a risk.
Cigarettes (quit in '88), I was mindlessly feeding an addiction. Sure, if I was unable to smoke for an hour or so, I *thought* I was getting pleasure from the cigarette. But upon reflection, it wasn't the pleasure of smoking so much as ending the displeasure of not smoking. I didn't like the smell or color of my fingers. I didn't like that I could never smell anything. I didn't like the morning phlegmy hack. There wasn't a *lot* I liked about cigarettes, except I disliked not being able to get one.
But I also associated the smell of smoking in the confines of a car with my dad, who smoked Pall Malls. So ... I did sort of develop a vague brand following. For instance, even long after I quit, I *did* like standing near others who smoked, stealing the scent of a brand name. LIked Pall Mall, Lucky's, Camels. And I hated the smell of some others.... most generics, when those came out, and couldn't stand Benson & Hedges, Tareytons, or most menthols.
Cigars and pipes, different. I'm not smoking them from addiction or need. I'm smoking them by choice. And having choices makes the *hobby* of smoking more... esoteric. I can be fussy. i can be artistic with it. Or go without.
And that makes all the difference in what I like this day or at this moment. Even now, I'm half-wondering, having momentary wisps of thoughts about what tobacco I *might* smoke later on. Well, till just now, when I consciously started thinking about it writing this. And I'm even choosing my pipe as we write, though it's in a box out in my truck.
Still undecided. Have to have breakfast and coffee. Those will maybe put me in a mood for one or another. Don't know for sure yet.