I have not tried this one yet. I'll look into it. Thanks!I'm not sure it's exactly the same, but have you ever tried CD Afternoon Delight? I find them similar but might just be me.
I do not have any ideas for replacements but I can tell you both are in stock at Esterval’s.Does anyone have recommendations for a replacement for Mac Baren Dark Twist and/or Stockton?
In addition to that request, can anyone recommend similar blends to the above from C&D?
Thanks in advance!
not a twist or coin cut, but as i sit here smoking some C&D folkore that is starting to get some age on it.. it is very satisfying, and not too unlike my beloved aged Stockton and Dark Twist... not the same, but.. if you like those, try this.
There is nothing like them, excepting other Mac Baren products. If you like them, buy now!
i think i saw some dark twist bulk at 4noggins or marscigars a day or two ago..
You US guys who love KY ought to grab a pound of whole leaf and experiment. You have so many blends avaliable (still) that something pretty darn tasty could be mixed up at home. Its around 20 bucks a pound and that stuff is so potent it would make a bucket of tobacco once mixed.
Its not rocket science to ammend a currently made blend. It would be fun to see more home recipies on the forum. Maybe after this closure it will become more active
Just like with the numerous "What Can Replace McClelland Blends?" threads over the past seven years, there aren't any. Time to cultivate a new favorite.
C'mon. You can still smoke a pipe with your good hand.