The fun is only beginning.Sas, you are right they are both Rads, great eye. I am amazed at how you so easily explain why one thing is good and another not so good. I have never looked at a pipe with that kind of detail. My eye sees a couple of nice looking pipes that I figure should smoke great because of who made them.
The brain-study folks have known for a long time that humans can't see things until they're pointed out and named. Sounds weird, but is literally true. Mother Nature then doubles down... after you HAVE seen and neurologically cataloged the whatever-it-is, you always will from that point on. You can never "un-see" it.
It's much of the reason most pipe collectors buy everything they can afford early on, then become increasingly particular and go through "purge" periods in subsequent years. What once looked good disappoints after a while.
It happens on the other side of the fence as well. Any significantly accomplished carver can tell you all about it. :lol: (I know several who buy up their OWN early pieces when possible to "erase" them from the public record)