CVS Stores to Stop Selling Tobacco

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Oct 31, 2011
East Indiana
This will directly reduce the amount of new pipe smokers, the sales of Dr. Grabows and Cobs to interested young adults will be drastically lowered. I know that I, for one bought my first Grabow and pouch of Borkum Riff Whiskey at the local drug store, I had been eyeing them for some time and finally pulled the trigger when I was ready. Kids don't regularly see pipe smokers in public anymore, and tobacco shops are fewer and farther between, so if people aren't seeing pipes and tobaccos at drug stores the rates of new smokers will.....unfortunately dwindle.



Oct 18, 2013
Looks like P&C gets my OTC orders now as well.
I used to just swing by CVS / Walgreens for Carter Hall and Prince Albert.



Jul 30, 2012
Walgreens said today they will keep selling baccy.

Wife loves CVS but after that announcement, won't go back, now to Walgreens for all.

CVS stock dropped today & the other 2 went up.

PC is stupid at times.

BTW... RVer's & full timers use Walmart Pharmacy #1 & Walgreens #2 when traveling because of easy of prescription transfers & locations throughout the USA.

Hurts to step on your D*&k!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 21, 2013
I got my first pipe at CVS in my early 20s: a Dr. Grabow. It was my only pipe and I smoked the hell out of it with tons of tongue bite and burn. The thing must have been sour as hell before I decided to quit lol.
Won't be doing much business at CVS anymore I guess.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
CVS here barely carries any tobacco and no pipes. And I live in a tobacco growing state. I won't be affected by the decision for those reasons, and also that I never shop there anyway. But, if I did, I would stop. I've been saying all day what Trailboss said in his post. But CVS figures it'll get them the proper attention to the "proper" quarters, and think it'll help their business in the long run.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 9, 2013
Another sign of the times.
The moral of the story is hoard, hoard, hoard.



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
Fox News says New York might sue CVS because it does not afford customers choice, wonder if 2 billion dollars in lost tax revenues has anything to do with this LOL. PC Whores that they are I will never set foot in their stores.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 24, 2013
I wonder if the 2 billion dollars in lost sales is just the tobacco products or are they taking into consideration that they will be alienating customers and losing all that customer's business.



Can't Leave
Oct 16, 2013
In honor of CVS, I went to the local Walgreens last night and bought my first cob (MM Legend).
As mentioned, CVS is publicly traded. If they didn't think this would increase profits by appealing to and drawing in PC busybodies, they wouldn't be doing it.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 9, 2011
Interesting that they still sell candy,high fat snacks, and diet loss products containing huge amounts of caffeine. :rofl:



Can't Leave
Feb 20, 2013
This has nothing to do with health itself but positioning themselves as essentially a health care provider, akin to a Patient First. This is the first step to get some government dole.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
My! My! People sure do get their panties in a bunch when a company does what they feel is good for their shareholders. Time will tell if the decision has a positive impact on the bottom line. This has everything to do with the money. Their purpose in business is to make money, and as much as they can I would hope if I was a shareholder.



Can't Leave
Feb 20, 2013
if it were as simple as a private business making a business decision that would be one thing. unfortunately this gets into a political issue when it appears they might be getting a back door grant from the ACA. at that point everybody becomes an involved an interested party.



Oct 16, 2009
Many states have been pressuring drug stores to stop carrying tobacco products for years. I'm sure that currying favor with the politcos entered into their decision-making along with the "bragging rights" they'll get by being politically correct.



Dec 8, 2013
Maryland USA
This will directly reduce the amount of new pipe smokers, the sales of Dr. Grabows and Cobs to interested young adults will be drastically lowered. I know that I, for one bought my first Grabow and pouch of Borkum Riff Whiskey at the local drug store, I had been eyeing them for some time and finally pulled the trigger when I was ready. Kids don't regularly see pipe smokers in public anymore, and tobacco shops are fewer and farther between, so if people aren't seeing pipes and tobaccos at drug stores the rates of new smokers will.....unfortunately dwindle.
If current trends continue, interested young adults will be buying a much smaller pipe, most likely made of colored glass. Somehow, this is acceptable, but tobacco is public enemy #1??!



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
jgriff: As I said, it's the money. It's what's good for the stock holders. More money is good. Less money? Not so good. Grant moneys? It's money, so it's good. Also, I believe CVS is a publicly held company, privately owned.
If they can make more money through reducing, or doing away with, tobacco facings then that is the correct thing to do. Tobacco simply does not warrant shelf space. The return is too small, the time and effort spent figuring and paying taxes probably eats up a great deal of any profit realized. Retail square footage is simply to dear to relegate any of it to products which do not sell, Believe me, if cigarettes generated sufficient revenue, no matter what the governments or the health professionals said, cigarettes would have many more facings than they do today in stores. Right or wrong the perception of tobacco, in any form, is negative and the majority of customers, having no dog in the fight, couldn't care less about the plight of those of us addicted to the demon weed.
Catering to a minority of people who are, these days, despised by the press and the health community simply does not make sense. Dedicating the space formerly occupied by tobacco products with less controversial products which will generate higher profits is a logical move.
Electronic cigarettes have taken up a lot of facings on the shelves in my local Walgreen store. I suspect the profit margin is better, public opinion is less negative, and as the electronics are not regulated as yet, less bother with local taxes and regulations.
On the other hand, large vendors doing away with tobacco is a good thing for the smaller, local tobacco stores. The brick and mortars, who may have ignored the common cigarette smoker in the past, can now expand their customer base should they chose to "abase" themselves by selling the "lowly" cigarette.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
I never really cared for Captain Black or any of the drugstore tobaccos. I have used CVS for pipe cleaners, filters, and inexpensive cobs, though. Shame they are doing away with all that.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2012
West Park, NY
I have state employee health benefits in New York State and CVS/Caremark took over the prescription drug portion of my health insurance at the beginning of the year. It's too early in the morning for me to spin my wheel o' connections but it certainly must tie in. If the company announces that it is going to lose $2 billion, how much must it stand to make that it didn't say?

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