Couple of Meershaum questions from a newbie

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Jan 12, 2012
I didn't mean any insult. I'm well aware many of you prefer them. They are convenient...although found cheaper online from what I've seen.
Surely you understood what I meant. I don't think this needs any further discussion.
So far I'm a fan of Captain Black..and I remember enjoying Velvet a few years back when I first smoked a pipe.



May 4, 2011
The pipe-packing tutorials on the pipes magazine main site helped me bigtime. A good pack can be the life or death of your smoke! A Grabow isn't huge on the briar quality end of the spectrum bu they are a good, servicable pipe. If you can get used to Captain Black and a Grabow, you will be pleasantly surprised when you step up to say, 1-Q and a Wellington and blown away when you try a custom blended English and a Peterson! I know I was. YMMV on how much you like Latakia, though.



May 4, 2011
I like showing off my Meer. It's a straight billiard with a huge bowl.



Jan 12, 2012
Dude that Meer is so nice. Looks like it's coloring well. What is I-Q? I keep hearing it mentioned but have failed to find it. Is it an English blend?
I actually watched a youtube tutorial on how to pack and light your pipe. Even though I've read countless articles explaining it but watching OldTobey was hands down the most helpful piece of media to me.
I smoked a total of 5 bowls today.....well half bowls. The last one I just came in from lasted me a good 30 minutes at least. And it was only packed about 3/4 full. My Zippo was a lot easier to manage than a book of matches....which gave me a lot of trouble driving home on I-495 trying to relight my bowl haha.
The last bowl I smoked just a few minutes ago was an excellent experience. I feel I was able to fully appreciate the Captain Black (as much as my Grabow Duke would allow me to anyway, not saying it's a bad pipe...but I know there's better) and I experienced that "relaxed feeling". I can't remember the last time I was so relaxed and ...well....happy. This hobby is definitely a keeper...but I knew that coming in. Goodbye cigarettes.
In fact...I tried smoking a cigarette after I failed to finish a bowl and it tasted horrendous...anyone else have the same experience?
To keep this short....I placed an order for a new pipe.
I have a Bjarn Viking Classic, a tin of Dunhill Nightcap, and a few essential maintenance tools. Which I already need...after not cleaning my bowl for five pipeful's....I'm already expecting the gurgling.
So pipe cleaners, some stick matches, a 2oz bag of Apple something or other (Winston?), and the tamper tool. So I'm pretty excited.
I guess this thread has taken an entirely new direction...and I feel guilty for continuing it. Some of my other hobbies that leave me on forums from time to time are pretty strict about such a's nice to be in a relaxed environment like this.
Thanks for all your help so far guys.
@baronsamedi...not only does that meer look amazing...but that Nat Sherman looks like something worth trying out sometime. Enjoy it man!



May 4, 2011
The Sherman is good tobacco and even mediocre pipe tobaccos taste better than cigarettes. I smoked the nails for about 15 years and quit years ago. The pipe is a totally different and more enjoyable experience! The Sherman blend I like is "Riverside Whiskey". They can be found at 1-800-mycigar

1-Q is an aromatic tobacco made by Lane Limited. People compare its flavor to Captain Black but it is a slight step up. To me it tastes similar to Captain Black Royal. It's an inexpensive, all-around good aromatic that you can buy in bulk online and in some B&M (Brick and Mortar) shops. No latakia, so it's not considered an English.
My meer is coloring nicely. That's one of the cool things about them. They all color differently and sort of personalize themselves for you. They produce a very flavorful experience and it's typically what I use to taste new tobaccos since it smokes so clean. I'm starting to see darkening in the carving grooves now and some pink at the base of the bowl. Very exciting!



Mar 9, 2010
I have been very lucky in getting decent meerschaum pipes on the used market. So far the only bad meerschaums have been cheap one picked up on fleabay. There is a reason they sell for minimal dollars.
Get the best you can afford and enjoy it for decades . Then pass it to a grandson.
For affordable smokes look seriously at the 7 Seas line by McBarens. I have finally tried all the available blends and am very pleased.



Dec 5, 2011
Baron already explained the 1-Q. You can get it in most tobacco stores. Just ask for 1-Q since it's sold under many different names. If you're not close to a good tobacco store, the site sponsors (cupojoes, pipesandcigars and smokingpipes) all sell it. Here's one of them.
In fact...I tried smoking a cigarette after I failed to finish a bowl and it tasted horrendous...anyone else have the same experience?
Yes. I'm a cig guy for over 30 years. Camels at that. Lately, I have a more sweet tasting feeling in my mouth from the pipe, I tend to gravitate towards Virginia or burley blends, and the cigs don't taste as good as they used to. Good riddance ;-)
If you're looking for nicotine to get off cigarettes completely, try Kendal's Kentucky. It's as good a nicotine hit or more as a cigarette. This morning, it got me woozy... Which hasn't happened to me in years ! And it's quite easy to load and smoke, more so than Peterson Irish flake, which packs a punch too ;-)
Hope this helps



Mar 9, 2010
Took me a wee bit to get into the 7 Seas Red. Had enough of a cold that I couldn't taste anything. Once that cleared up I found it a nice mild tasty blend.



Jan 12, 2012
Ill have to give these a try. Its awesome that there are so many different tobaCcos to choose from. Something for everyone. Time to go have a morning bowl now.



Mar 22, 2011
I'm so glad you're enjoying this new hobby of yours!
I know there are those who will disagree, but you'll be doing yourself a HUGE favor by upgrading from the Captain Black. CB is so filled with artificial sweeteners and chemical humectant that you're hardly tasting any real tobacco!
But like I said, opinions vary.



Jan 12, 2012
Ah really? That's exactly what I was trying to get away from. I'm still enjoying it but now that piece of info will remain in the back of my mind. Luckily I have some nightcap and some apple stuff coming to me. How long does a 2oz pouch typically last you guys?



Mar 22, 2011
I usually have three or four 50gram tins open at any one time, and I'll go through each in less than a month. Remember, the more tins you have open, the longer they'll last.
Not sure what 'apple stuff' you ordered, but the Dunhill tobacco should be noticeably different than the Captain Black (that's the understatement of the year!)



Jan 12, 2012
Yeah that's it. Middleton's. I've heard good things about both. The Middleton's came with the maintenance kit I ordered. 10$ for all that didn't seem like a bad investment.
Sorry for contributing to your collection disorder haha.
Nothing like a early afternoon bowl of Captain Black. When I first came back into the house my wife said I reeked haha. Luckily a simple act of taking off my smoking jacket resolved that issue though.



May 4, 2011
Fabreze, man! I spray it on my smoking jacket every time and it stays fresh! An odor neutralzer near your pipe rack helps too. My wife was fine until I had 6 or 7 pipes and they smell up the room. I like the smell. My wife, not so much!

Jul 12, 2011
Wait until she gets a smell of Lat blends (if you go this route) now that

is a dream come true for the piper and HATED by most wives :) or

at least the ones I know ;-)
I also suggest giving LJ Peretti a call, man their bacci is "Tops" I have been

smoke'in their Royal and #333 blends...simply put...Outstanding bacci blends

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