I'm southern, and the name of this caught me off guard. Seersucker conjured images of some idiot that did extensive riffle modifications and had a catastrophic failure. With a trigger assembly stuck where his front teeth were, sucking on the seer. Turns out, it's a clothing pattern some might recognize as summer-time southern gentleman's suit. Or in my case, hickory striped overalls. Opening the can reminds me of the smell of the auction hall at the Calloway County, KY tobacco co-op. Flue cured burly and dark fired Kentucky. It felt like sacrilege to use anything other than a corncob. The smoke has a great spanish cedar spice that's mellowed and by bold and smooth mixture Americans and Orientals. The flavors are so well blended, overall, All I taste is good tobacco. Sinus sensation is moderate. This blend burns cool with a bit of dottle. The leafyness is appreciated considering all the burly variety, I know there aren't a bunch of veins in the mix.